Mushroom raincoat - medicinal properties, how to cook?

This unusual fungus is popular with many people, they appreciate it for the wonderful taste and subtle flavor that it gives to the dishes with it. But these qualities of the fungus are far from the only factors that have influenced its great popularity. In folk medicine, there are a lot of recipes that tell how to prepare a mushroom raincoat and what medicinal properties will possess the remedy with it.

Therapeutic properties of a raincoat mushroom

Experts say that this fungus has a unique feature, it helps to remove salts of heavy metals from the human body. Salts of heavy metals are very dangerous for humans, they can accumulate in the body, it is extremely difficult to get rid of them. Not only people working in hazardous industries receive a fairly large amount of these salts, city residents, car owners who spend many hours driving, all these categories of citizens are also at a certain risk group. Therefore, the property of a raincoat mushroom to remove salts of heavy metals is very important for almost every one of us.

Another interesting quality of this fungus is that it helps reduce the effects of radiation exposure. Dishes with this product are advised to eat after undergoing X-ray examinations, or to those who live in unfavorable areas, in terms of radioactive background.

Of course, the useful properties of a raincoat mushroom are not limited to those two abilities, which were written above. This product contains a substance such as calvacin, it helps fight with various fungi and bacteria, has an anti-inflammatory effect, can reduce the risk of developing tumors, including malignant ones. The maintenance in a raincoat of a natural antibiotic does its excellent means of struggle against various infections, dishes with it advise to eat for colds, tonsillas , ARD.

Of course, a raincoat will only benefit if you collect it in ecologically clean areas. Like any mushroom, the raincoat is able to actively absorb toxins, if you eat a product that grew near a metropolis or highway, you will not benefit the body.

Treatment with a mushroom slicker

Now let's talk about how to prepare funds with this product according to the recipes of traditional medicine. In order to cook them, you will need a powder from the raincoat spore, it's quite difficult to make it yourself, but in any pharmacy you can buy the finished product.

So, to prepare a decoction from poisoning and conducive to normalization of digestion, take 1 tsp. powder, pour it 700 ml of boiling water and insist for 40 minutes in porcelain. After that, refrigerate the formula and use it in the amount of ½ cup strictly for half an hour before meals. This should be done 2 times a day until symptoms of poisoning are eliminated, if you want to get rid of this trouble, or for 2 weeks, if you want to adjust the digestive processes.

To create a tincture from this mushroom, take 1 part of the powder, combine it with 5 parts of vodka, and insist 2 weeks mixture in a dark and cool place. This infusion is taken for 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals for 28 days. It helps to strengthen immunity, cleanse the body of toxins, remove salts of heavy metals and reduce the negative impact of radiological exposures.

Before you take a decoction or tincture, be sure to consult a doctor. The specialist will help you to understand whether you have individual physiological characteristics, in which treatment with these drugs is contraindicated.