Raspberry leaves - useful properties and contraindications

Raspberry is one of the most useful berries. No wonder many people try to eat it in the season, and for the winter they prepare jam. But the fruits are not all that is curative in the bush. Raspberry leaves also have many useful properties and contraindications. And the benefits in them are not less than in juicy sweet berries. No wonder folk medicine has long used them to treat a variety of diseases.

Useful properties of raspberry leaves

Crimson leaves are sold in the pharmacy, but in fact, to prepare them yourself is not difficult. It is best to collect them in early July and to dry in the fresh air. When the medicine is ready, it must be transferred to a paper bag. So the dry mixture can last several seasons.

In the composition of raspberry leaves - a large number of different useful substances:

One of the most famous beneficial properties of tea with raspberry leaves is diaphoretic. Thanks to this, after consuming the drink, the temperature quickly decreases. Strictly speaking, that's why it is recommended to drink for colds.

But on this list of useful properties of crimson leaves does not end. They also provide:

If there are no warnings and contraindications to the use of beneficial properties of raspberry leaves, a decoction prepared from them can be used as a rinse with angina.

Cosmetologists recommend rubbing the infusion with painful skin. Such procedures will help get rid of acne, acne, psoriasis, eczema and other dermatological problems. They will save from the intolerable itching and swelling that appeared after the bites of insects. And the use of a decoction for rinsing hair will accelerate the growth of curls, strengthen them and make them more docile, silky and shiny.

Means based on crimson leaves can be drunk. Internal application helps to relieve the intestines of toxins and toxins, eliminates inflammatory processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, increases immunity, treats hypovitaminosis .

Useful properties of raspberry leaves for women's health

Separately, it should be noted how the preparations made from crimson leaves affect women's health. Broth is recommended to drink to future mothers, starting from 35 weeks of pregnancy. Natural medicine will help bring the uterus into tone and increase the elasticity of its walls. Thanks to this, the birth will be faster and easier.

Useful raspberry leaves and with such problems as:

Among other things, infusions and broths contribute to increased lactation.

Contraindications to the use of raspberry leaves

  1. Medicines from raspberries are strictly forbidden until 35 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. The leaves contain an impressive amount of essential oils, so they can harm patients with asthma.
  3. The broth has a rather powerful astringent effect, so with constipation and problems with defecation it is better to give it up.
  4. Experts do not recommend to use crimson leaves in parallel with Aspirin. And in one and the other means contain salicylates, which in large quantities can adversely affect the body.