How to make a drink "Tarhun" at home?

Tarhun is a delicious, refreshing and very healthy drink that has a calming and relaxing effect on the human body. But only for some reason everyone is used to buying it in stores, completely forgetting that such a lemonade can be cooked by yourself. Let's understand with you how to make a drink from the tarragon.

How to make a drink "Tarhun" at home?



Before you make a drink "Tarhun", we sort the grass, rinse and grind it in a blender. Next, we prepare the syrup: dissolve the sugar in warm boiled water and, stirring, bring the liquid to a boil. We boil it for several minutes and cool it. Shred tarhun into hot syrup, cover with a lid and insist for about half an hour. After that, the next lemonade is filtered, poured into a jug and diluted with carbonated water. Add the lemon juice , place the drink for a while in the fridge, and before serving, throw a few ice cubes into it.

How to make a drink "Tarhun" at home?



We take the necessary amount of grass and rinse thoroughly in running water. Further, grind the greens with a sharp knife or let it through the blender, turning into a homogeneous green mush.

Lime and lemons are rinsed, dry with a towel and cut across into halves. With the help of a juicer we prepare from citrus juice.

Now we prepare the sweet syrup: in a pan with water we throw the right amount of sugar and boil 5 minutes after boiling. Then cool the liquid to room temperature and add freshly squeezed juice into it. In the bottle pour cold soda water and throw the crushed tarragon. Next, pour in the syrup mixture, close the lid tightly and remove the bottle in a cool dark place for 3 hours. Then filter lemonade several times through a strainer and serve to the table, pouring on glasses and throwing in each little ice.