Fish Cutting

Before any hostess, the task is not only to cook delicious dishes for the festive table, but also interestingly and beautifully decorate them, supplemented with ready-made sliced ​​meat and sausage products, fruits and vegetables, as well as fish components that along with all occupy one of the places of honor when decorating the table for the celebration.

It is about fish cuttings that will be discussed today in our article. It is not considered compulsory, but if you still, as a good housewife, decided to pamper and surprise guests with a variety of dishes, it's worth it to decorate properly. After all, it should not only be delicious, but also very beautiful, especially if it concerns slicing.

Beautiful decoration of fish on a festive table

How can I serve fish? In fact, the design of fish cuts at home is not so troublesome and laborious as it seems at first glance. The most difficult part is to prepare and finely and finely chop fish fillets. It is from the quality of the performance of this stage that the overall impression of the decorated dish depends. If you already have a ready cut fish fillet, then put it nicely on the dish you can in a few minutes.

Any cutting looks much fresher and more effective with the use of a sufficient amount of fresh greens. Is not an exception and a fish plate. Taking into account the specific taste characteristics of the product used and its compatibility with other components, lobes or lemon slices, olives, sliced ​​or whole, as well as slicing or carving from onions or salad onions will be very appropriate when decorating a fish cut.

Ideal for decorating dishes combine fish of different varieties, stacking it with sectors, paths or rows in the form of a fan or peacock tail. Fish cut can be beautifully decorated with eel, salmon or trout, sturgeon, and also supplemented at will with shrimp, tartlets with caviar, lemon and vegetables.

For a budgetary option, you can use smoked or lightly salted mackerel , herring and pink salmon. In this case, in addition to slices of lemon, the most appropriate is the addition of salad or common onions, fresh herbs and vegetables. You can also combine fish cut with other snacks, such as stuffed eggs, snack sandwiches, tartlets and other culinary delights. The main thing is that they fit well with the fish and were appropriate on the fish plate.

Accepting the design of fish cut, connect your imagination and imagination and create your own creation, and as a clue you can use the proposed photos of ready-made compositions.