Kalanchoe to children

Folk remedies for treating various infectious viral and bacterial diseases do not lose their popularity from year to year. "Green doctors" saved a cold and a cough for more than one generation of cheeky little goats. Kalanchoe - this is one of those universal plants that can help in the treatment, it seems, of any disease. Young mothers often doubt whether children can drip a Kalanchoe, and, not knowing who to ask for advice, refuse this very effective and simple means. Meanwhile, official medicine has long recognized the efficacy of this evergreen plant, not only as a treatment for an already developed disease, but also for prevention. The action of the plant is comparable with the action of expensive immunomodulators, moisturizing and restoring the protective functions of the mucous membrane of the nasal passage.

How to drip Kalanchoe for children?

To use the Kalanchoe from the common cold in children, it is necessary to squeeze out the juice from it. To do this, you just need to tear off a couple of leaves and, chopping them, squeeze the juice through a cheesecloth or a thin cloth, and then drip with a pipette. If the leaf is "meaty" and thick, you can press on it with your fingers and squeeze the juice right into your nose, without wasting time for shredding and straining.

It should also be noted that plants that are more effective are considered to be more than 3 years old, while young shoots and leaves have less effect. For those who do not want to mess with the plant, there is a wide choice of products based on aloe and calanchoe juice.

But at the same time, one should not think that treating a cold with the help of a Kalanchoe fits absolutely everything. As with any other treatment, an individual approach is important here. Kalanchoe can be used for children up to a year, but you need to focus on the reaction of the child (because allergic reactions in infants are quite common). Breastfeeds better dig in the broth Kalanchoe, one-year-old kids - water diluted with water, while older children (from 2 years old) will receive undiluted drops. To very small children wipe the nostrils with a cotton swab or a swab dipped in a broth, the older ones are buried. Do this 3-4 times a day.

Juice Kalanchoe has one very useful effect: slightly irritating the mucous, it causes sneezing, thus clearing the nasal passages, which is especially important for children who are not yet able to flaunt.

Before starting treatment, make sure that the child is not allergic to the Kalanchoe, and consult a doctor to protect the health of your child from the unwanted effects of self-medication.