Vegetable protein

Usually people start to look at the vegetable protein only when they decide to abandon the animal. However, this is not the most reasonable position: include both types of protein in your diet. This is especially true for athletes who specifically adhere to the protein diet in order to increase muscle mass gain. This is also true in the fight against excess weight: in fact, muscle tissue itself consumes more calories, and the more it is, the sooner you get rid of the fatty layer.

Vegetable protein: benefit

Unlike animal protein, which is represented primarily by meat, poultry, fish and dairy products, vegetable protein has one significant advantage. Namely - in vegetable products there are practically no fats, which allows the protein dish to be dietary and easy.

Thus, vegetable protein for muscles is useful as well as animal, but using it, you can lose weight much more quickly, because the body will not get an excessive amount of fat. In this case, the body will receive a lot of nutrients - vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Vegetable protein is not fully digested and for a long time, which makes it easy to control the feeling of hunger. In addition, the fiber contained in such products positively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is the vegetable protein?

Arguing about where the vegetable protein is contained, you should immediately make a reservation: protein is present in many products, but this list includes only those products in which the protein is really a lot. These are, first of all, legumes, soy, various nuts and seeds. A complete list of such products can be found in the table of vegetable protein content.

Vegetable protein: harm

Cons, of course, it is difficult to write down in the section of harm, but there is a shortage of products containing vegetable protein. Namely - the lack of iron and B vitamins, which in general are mostly in products of animal origin. That is why, by refusing animal protein in favor of vegetable, it is important to add to your diet brewer's yeast or other additives that will enrich the body with vitamin B.

The real harm can be called unless the influence of legumes and peas on the work of the intestines - these products often provoke an increased flatulence, which can cause a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, such products should not be misused. However, this applies equally to all types of protein - because with excessive use of such food, the kidneys and liver suffer greatly.

If you suffer from an ulcer or a dysbacteriosis, the use of foods such as beans, beans and peas should be discussed with your health care provider.

Vegetable protein: bodybuilding

It's no secret that athletes, as a rule, prefer to receive protein from animal sources. And it's not that they know little about the plant variant - just in legumes, soybeans, nuts and cereals lacks some important amino acids that are very important for rapid muscle building.

The protein of soy and the protein of lentil are closest to the ideal state due to the presence of amino acids. If you use vegetable proteins for muscle growth, you should concentrate on their use.

By the way, due to the lack of some amino acids, the vegetable protein is not fully absorbed, but only by 50-60 percent, which is very good for those who lose weight, but it is bad for those who want to increase muscle mass. That is why in bodybuilding the standard variant is usually used - the protein of animal origin.