Molting in cats

When the owner notices the cat's hair on the carpet, couch, cushions and other places where his pet had time to visit, then the process of changing the wool cover, simply called moulting in cats, began. This phenomenon usually occurs in the off-season: with the onset of the first cold weather in autumn and the arrival of heat in the spring. So, meeting each season in an updated form, the animal, meanwhile, has time to deliver a lot of cares to its owner, trying to somehow solve the issue with left over the entire house of wool.

How to relieve molting in cats?

It would be a mistake to say that there is a universal remedy for molting cats, but there are some recommendations, the following of which will help to take timely measures. First of all, the wool left on furniture objects is a sign that moulting has not started, but its active manifestation. Therefore, with the onset of autumn and spring, the owner should gently pull his pet over the fur cover and if even a small number of hairs remain in his hands, then the process has begun. Experts in such cases advise:

All these actions will have an effect when the process has a seasonal and natural basis. However, there are a number of cases where molting in cats requires treatment, since it is a symptom of the disease. For example, symmetrical abundant hair loss on the sides can be evidence of endocrine disease.

Moult or disease: how not to be mistaken?

In general, knowing the period of molting in cats, it will not be difficult to be ready for this process and make it as safe as possible for the animal and less difficult from the point of view of harvesting for the owner. The main thing is to be attentive and watch for the preservation of the general well-being of the pet, which, depending on its breed, can survive this period longer or faster than usual. Knowing how long moulting lasts in cats, it is also possible to determine the naturalness or unnaturalness of this phenomenon. Month, plus minus a few days - the norm, if the process drags on for months - you should contact the veterinarian, who will determine the exact cause.

Means that contribute to the elimination and alleviation of hair loss include vitamins for cats against moult, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. When they are included in the diet of the animal, a specialist consultation is necessary. Considering the natural causes of molting cats, one should not forget about the symptomatic nature of this phenomenon, which testifies to:

So, the main thing that needs to be remembered is the difference between the natural annual process and the strong moulting of a cat, which is often a manifestation of a malfunction in the body, which in turn requires veterinary care. When there are no reasons to worry, it is only necessary to patience, often comb out your home fluffy pet and with patience to wait for the end of molting, after which the cat will become even more beautiful than it was, and then memories of additional cleaning and carpet cleaning seem to be mere trifles.