The composition of hops-suneli

The well-known traditional Georgian seasoning of hops-suneli (ხმელისუნელსუნელ - - Georgian - literally translated "dry spice") is a mixture with a characteristic specific odor, made up of natural dry shredded spices (herbs). The seasoning of hops-suneli is able to give different dishes a pleasant spicy, but not an acute taste, due to which it became especially popular in the late Soviet period.

Currently, the hops-suneli seasoning finds the widest application and is actively used for preparing various dishes not only in Georgia and other territories of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, but throughout the post-Soviet space. Sold in ready form in bags, shelf life up to 2 years.

The complete classical composition of the mixture of hops-sunels includes the following components:


All dry shredded herbs, except red pepper and saffron, are taken in equal parts. Red pepper is added - 1-2% of the total volume of the finished mixture), Imeretian saffron - up to 0.1%.

In a shorter version, only hazel-suneli can include basil, marjoram, parsley, cilantro and dill with the addition of saffron and hot red pepper. Many people like this composition even more than the full classical version of hops-suneli, since not everyone likes mint and savory. This mixture gives the dishes a softer taste.

In principle, a strict formulation of proportions and GOSTs for composing a mixture of hops and sunnies does not exist and never existed. If you do not like the presence of any component or mixture in the finished mixture of hops, you can approach the trader with weighty spices in the market and ask you to make hops-sunels at your discretion (of course, taking into account the main components, at least from the abbreviated version) .

What dishes are used for hops-suneli?

Georgia is famous for its unique traditional dishes, in the preparation of which a mixture of hops-suneli is necessarily used, such dishes as soup kharcho , chahokhbili, satsivi, as well as for preparation of adzhika. With no less success hops-suneli can be used as the main seasoning for cooking any dishes from meat, fish, mushrooms and vegetables. This wonderful seasoning can improve the taste of almost any stew or soup. Of course, the tastes of any dishes with seasoning hops-suneli will have characteristic shades. Also, the mixture of hops-suneli is widely used for making various spicy sauces and marinades (for shish kebabs and other dishes from meat, fish, mushrooms and vegetables).

How to replace hops-suneli?

Obviously, only a mixture of individual dry spices of its constituents (see above) can replace hops-sunels with the maximum similarity. Of course, making up such a mixture of individual components independently, one must more or less try to follow the basic composition formula, with those or other deviations or individual preferences.

Application of hops-suneli

The question of how much to add a mixture of hops-suneli in a dish, is also very individual. In the Caucasus, each family has its own traditions in this matter. Add a little, taste. To add hops-suneli is best 10-20 minutes before the readiness, that all is well soaked and has got aroma and taste, and on the other hand, that spices are not digested and not pereparilis (then the dish loses the necessary taste and aroma). Along with the hops-sunels, other dry spices can also be added to different dishes: grated nutmeg, cloves, black pepper, melissa, fruits of barberry and juniper, tarragon, and in some cases (for lamb cooking) thyme and sage.