How to cook plum jam for the winter?

Jam is one of the varieties of jam. Both these delicacies are prepared by cooking various berries or fruits. The only difference is that in perfect jam, berries remain intact, and in jam they are boiled and crushed to a puree-like homogeneous state. Let's take a closer look at you, how to make plum jam for the winter. This delicacy is perfect as an addition to pancakes, pancakes, curd casseroles or just for tea.

Apple-plum jam for the winter



Plums are thoroughly washed and carefully removed. We peel apples from the skin and from the core, cut into pieces. Then add the prepared fruit in a saucepan, pour out the sugar and mix. We bring the contents to a boil and boil for 40-50 minutes, removing during the preparation of the foam formed on the surface. Next, beat the delicacy with a submerged blender to a homogeneous state, lay out a thick plum jam on jars and roll for the winter with metal covers.

Plum jam with gelatin for the winter



Plums are washed, we take out stones and finely cut. Spread in a saucepan, fall asleep half of a serving of sugar and add lemon juice. Vigorously mix everything with a wooden spoon and leave the mass for an hour at room temperature.

Soak gelatin in cold water. We put the dishes with plums on medium heat and heat the contents for several minutes. After this, carefully knead the fruit with a crush, sprinkle the remaining sugar, bring the treat to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. At the very end, we insert the pressed gelatin, mix it until it dissolves and put a piece of butter. We spread hot jam on dry jars and block up the lids.

Plum jam for the winter in the multivark



We rinse the plum, take out the stones and spread the prepared fruit into the bowl of the multivark, pour a little water, close the lid and turn on the "Frying" mode. After a few minutes, turn off the appliance and whip the contents with a submerged blender.

Next, pour the necessary amount of sugar, mix and display the program "steaming". After boiling, gently remove the foam with foam and cook jam for 15 minutes, stirring. Now we pour dry cocoa, throw a pinch of cinnamon and stir everything vigorously. Boil a treat for 3 minutes, add butter and turn off the multivark. Ready plum jam with cocoa poured on jars and close for the winter with metal covers.

Plum jam with chocolate for the winter



We thoroughly rinse the plum, remove carefully the bones and turn the berries into puree with the help of a meat grinder. We pour it into a saucepan, add sugar and leave for a couple of hours. Then put the dishes on the stove and cook, after boiling for 40 minutes on a weak fire.

Gelatin is bred in a small amount of warm water. Chocolate is broken into small pieces and thrown into a plum dainty. Now we enter gelatin, mix well and cook jam for another 20 minutes. Further we arrange jam on jars and roll up metal covers.