Teratozoospermia - treatment

Teratozoospermia is one of the forms of male infertility, characterized by the presence of a large number of cells of the pathological form in the sperm. In their role usually act as sperm, having an anomalous structure of the tail, head or neck. According to a clinical study of sperm, the amount of sperm changed, normally, should not be more than half of the number of all spermatozoa in the sampled ejaculate sample. The number of them increases dramatically with teratozoospermia, which requires treatment.

Causes of the disease

Even those men whose health is normal should know what teratozoospermia is, and the main reasons for its appearance. The first cause, which causes this pathology, are hormonal disorders, observed against the background of long-term use of hormonal drugs. Accept them, both as a medicine, and for a set of muscle mass, which is extremely necessary to improve performance in the power sport. However, any hormonal disorders are rare in men. Much more often there are various kinds of viral infections of the genitourinary system, which are the most common cause of teratozoospermia. These include prostatitis, epidemitis and orchitis.

Teratozoospermia: what to do, how to treat?

Men, faced with teratozoospermia, simply do not know how to treat it and what must be done. Of course, in order to make the final diagnosis of complete or partial infertility, which is the result of the disease, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination.

If there is a suspicion of teratozoospermia, the manifestation of which is the pathology of the sperm head, treatment is started only after 2 spermograms are done , i.e. when the diagnosis is already fully confirmed.

Treatment consists in the destruction of the foci of infection, if the inflammatory process in the genitals has led to the development of teratozoospermia.

In its absence, the treatment is reduced to strengthening the immune forces of the body: the reception of vitamin complexes containing macro- and microelements.

Often, men who have gone through a course of treatment with medicines, and doubting whether Teratozospermia can be cured and treated at all, resort to folk remedies. Very popular in such cases is a decoction of birch leaves, nettle, plantain seed. All these ingredients are mixed in the same amount, and make a decoction, which is then drunk 300 ml 3 times a day.

Thus, knowing how to cure teratozoospermia, a man, with the help of a qualified specialist, will be able to cope with this ailment.