What is the basal temperature for ovulation?

Every woman dreaming of pregnancy is concerned about the definition of the period of ovulation. It is on this day that the chances of successful fertilization are as great as possible, so the period of ovulation is considered the most favorable for intimate relationships for the purpose of conception of the baby.

The organism of every beautiful lady is individual, and various failures often occur in it, therefore it is impossible to exclude the possibility of pregnancy on any day of the cycle. Nevertheless, for those girls and women who are eagerly awaiting a new life in their tummies, it is very important to make love in the ovulatory period, when the probability of becoming a mom in the near future is the maximum.

There are many ways to determine the ovulation in a woman, but, unfortunately, all of them do not guarantee a one hundred percent result. Often, girls turn to the method of measuring basal temperature, known from ancient times. In this article, we will tell you how to correctly measure the basal temperature for the detection of ovulation, and what its values ​​indicate the onset of a "peak" moment.

How to measure basal temperature?

This value should always be measured in one way, best of all rectally or vaginally, keeping the thermometer for 5-10 minutes. Doing this is recommended immediately after waking up, lying in bed, if before that you slept for at least 6 hours in a row. The day before the measurement, it is forbidden to drink alcohol. It is also desirable to exclude nervous stress and any events related to psychoemotional overstrain. All received values ​​must be fixed in a special table. After about 3 months you will be able to figure out exactly how your basal temperature values ​​depend on the change in the phase of the menstrual cycle.

What is the basal temperature for ovulation and after it?

The menstrual cycle of a woman, or rather, its first phase, is considered from the first day of bloody discharge. At this time, the gradual maturation of the oocyte begins, which leaves the follicle on the day of ovulation around the middle of the cycle. Fertilization of this egg is possible only within 2 days from the beginning of ovulation, because after this time it dies.

After this, the second phase occurs, during which progesterone production is intensified. This hormone is necessary, so that a fertilized egg can reliably attach itself to the wall of the uterus, and the process of carrying out the crumbs later proceeded without complications. If fertilization does not occur in this cycle, progesterone is not produced in sufficient quantity, and after a few days the menstruation starts again.

It is the active production of progesterone that explains the difference between basal temperature in ovulation, as well as before and after it. So, in the first phase of the cycle it is quite low. On the day of ovulation, the basal temperature jumps by about 0.5 degrees, and its further indices depend on whether the fertilization has occurred or not.

If the egg was successfully fertilized, and therefore the active production of progesterone began in the female body, the basal temperature value continues to increase insignificantly or remains at the same level, but in no case decreases. If conception does not occur in this cycle, the indices stay at approximately the same level throughout the entire second phase, and immediately before the start of another menstruation decrease sharply and reach their minimum.

The basal temperature norm for ovulation and for the entire cycle for each woman is individual. On average, its value in the ovulatory period varies from 37.0 to 37.4 degrees Celsius, but these indicators can be quite different. In the first phase, as a rule, they range from 36.6 to 36.9 degrees.

Meanwhile, in order to understand what values ​​of basal temperature during ovulation are typical for you, it is necessary to measure this value and record the values ​​obtained for 3 or more months. This is the biggest drawback of the method of determining ovulation at basal temperature, so many girls prefer special tests that can be purchased at any pharmacy.