Attachments for women

The female's internal genitalia are represented by the vagina, the uterus with uterine tubes and ovaries. Fallopian tubes and ovaries are the appendages.

Ovaries are paired sex glands performing a generative function. This is the place where ovum ripens and sex hormones are produced. Ovaries consist of a cortex and connective tissue.

Fallopian tubes are organs having the shape of a tube, which continues the horn of the uterus. In the fallopian tubes there is a process of fertilization of the egg, after which they ensure its progress into the uterine cavity.

If you determine where the appendages are located in women - the fallopian tubes and ovaries in a woman can be found in the small pelvis on both sides of the uterus above the womb below the navel.

Diseases of the appendages in women or why the appendages hurt

All diseases of the uterine appendages in women are divided into inflammatory processes and voluminous formations in the tubes and ovaries (borderline, benign, malignant).

Formations in appendages can have a different origin.

For example, endometrioid cysts of the ovaries are formed in benign growth of the endometrioid tissue. Functional cysts are formed during the reproductive period against a background of hormonal imbalance. Paraovarial cysts are the result of disturbances in the process of laying tissues and internal organs during the period of intrauterine development.

Inflammatory diseases of appendages arise because of the activation of various infections in the body of a woman. Inflammation of the appendages is also called adnexitis. It can cause staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci and other microorganisms. In some cases, adnexitis occurs after the introduction of various chemicals into the uterine cavity.

Signs of disease of appendages in women and their diagnosis

Manifestations of diseases of the appendages of the uterus may have an erased character or none at all.

The most pronounced inflammatory diseases of the appendages. The process of inflammation can cause a drawing or stitching pain in the places where the appendages are located in women, painful sensations during sexual intercourse, fever.

Also, inflammation can manifest itself as discomfort during urination, disorders in the menstrual cycle, disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the inflammation of the appendages is not treated, they can lead to serious complications: suppuration in the fallopian tubes, passing in especially severe cases to peritonitis, adhesions in the appendages, leading to infertility, reproductive disorders, frequent miscarriages, or premature birth, as well as infection the fetus.

In the presence of various neoplasms in the appendages, pain in the lower abdomen may occur. The intensity and nature of pain are determined by the size and localization of education. There may also be irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

So, for example, with follicular cysts, there are delays of the monthly cysts , after which there is a profuse bleeding, and with the cyst of the yellow body there is engorgement of the mammary glands.

With endometriosis on the eve of menstruation, abdominal pain occurs, which is due to the accumulation of fluid in the endometrioid cavities.

Tumors and tumor-like diseases have no special manifestations, they can occur without changes in menstrual function. In rare cases, pulling pains in the lower abdomen may appear. Acute pain can only cause a torsion of the tumor.

For the diagnosis of diseases of the appendages, the patient's anamnesis, gynecological examination, microflora analysis, ultrasound and Doppler studies are of great importance. Also used are: hormonal studies, determination of the oncoprotein CA-125, MRI.