Opatanol - analogues

Allergy is a disgusting phenomenon, which for a long time can knock anyone out of the rut. Its manifestations are constantly stuffy nose, tears flowing from the eyes, rashes - do not give life. Drops of Opatanol and their analogs were created specifically to make allergy sufferers easier to live. Of course, with all the symptoms of allergies these drugs can not cope, but from the problems with the eyes they will save very quickly.

What is better - Opatanol, Lecrolin, Kromogeksal or Allergodil?

Opatanol is an effective antihistamine that has been recognized by many specialists. This olopatadine-based agent acts exclusively on histamine H1-receptors, preventing the release of cytokines-particles that cause inflammation. Drops are for local use. Getting on mucous, they remove the swelling, relieve itching, redness, burning.

Lecrolin, Kromogeksal and Allergodil are the most famous analogues of Opatanol. All this antiallergic drugs, which on the body affect almost the same. The main difference between them is in the composition, and in some, the principle of dealing with allergies.

For example, in Lecrolin and Cromohexal, the main active ingredient is cromoglycic acid. Just like Opatanol, these funds are prescribed for allergic conjunctivitis, but their action is directed solely at stabilizing the membranes of mast cells. In this case, unequivocally say that it is better - Opatanol or Lecrolin, only a specialist can.

With the representatives of one drug group - Allergodol and Opatanol - the situation is simpler. Due to the fact that the latter has a double effect - it blocks histamine receptors and stabilizes membranes - it is used much more often.

How to replace Opatanol?

The above drugs are not all that modern pharmacology can offer to a person suffering from allergies. Funds that have a similar effect, there is much more.

Among the analogs of Opatanol are the following eye drops:

All these drugs are considered safe, but, nevertheless, they are not recommended for people with individual intolerance to the basic and auxiliary components of the formula, pregnant women and nursing mothers, children under the age of three.