Rahat lukum - good and bad

Answering the question, what is the use and harm of rahat lukuma, it should be said about its composition, including sugar, water and starch. Starch is slightly diluted in water, after which the sugaring process passes, sugar in turn gives a sweet taste to this product. Talking about the benefits and harms of rakhat lukuma, we can not fail to mention its calorific value (about 316 kcal), which is high enough, therefore it is not desirable to call the product dietary and it is undesirable to use people prone to fatness and especially in large quantities.

Benefits of rahat lukuma

Talking about the benefits of rahat lukuma, you should understand its composition. This sweetness can be made from a wide variety of ingredients, for example, pieces of lemon and orange that help protect against colds and strengthen the immune system, honey that improves blood quality, has an anti-inflammatory effect and speeds up digestion, berries and fruit juice that saturate the body with essential minerals and vitamins.

But the most important of all the list is that the consumption of rahatum lukuma in food leads to the development of the "happiness hormone" - endorphin, which allows people to feel full of their own life, mood, joy.

Harm to rahut lakuma

In the composition of this eastern sweetness there is a large amount of sugar, namely it is distinguished by an increased ability to become fat in the body and deposited in the cloud of internal organs and under the skin. In the case of a large amount of consumption of such a product, there is a possibility of developing obesity , which is the initial stage in the development of hypertension and diabetes. In addition, such sweetness contributes to the disruption of the release of enzymes in the stomach, intestines and pancreas, and also leads to the destruction of enamel of the teeth. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and in the presence of diseases of a chronic type, it is recommended to limit the amount of rahat lakuma in the diet or to exclude it altogether.