Diarrhea in a parrot - how to act correctly?

Parrots are funny, funny and unpretentious pets. However, improper or inadequate care can lead to problems with bird health and diseases , for example, diarrhea in a parrot may begin. And this condition, if left untreated, can lead to very sad consequences.

Diarrhea in the parrot causes

Many poultry owners wonder why the parrot has diarrhea. Such frequent watery discharge from the intestine is not an independent disease, but a sign of some ailments or a consequence of insufficient care. For example, liquid stools in birds can arise from drafts, stresses or even sharp and loud sounds. Diarrhea in a parrot can be caused by such pathologies as:

Under the influence of these causes, the smooth muscles of the intestine of the bird are intensively contracted, so the liquid contents do not have time to suck in and leave in an unchanged liquid form. The appearance and behavior of your parrot can change:

All these signs indicate that in the body of the parrot there are serious pathological processes that can not remain without your attention. It should be remembered that diarrhea, which lasts more than one day, is an immediate threat to the life of the bird. Therefore, if you notice that your pet has these symptoms, you should always seek help from a veterinarian or ornithologist.

White diarrhea in a parrot

Experts argue that the litter of parrots depends on the food that feeds it. So, if you gave the bird a carrot or a beet, then the color of the droppings will be reddish, and this should not bother you. Juicy fruits and herbs in the parrot's diet will help that the poultry excrement will be more liquid, which is also normal. In a healthy parrot, the droppings look like a decorated swirling worm of a greenish-brown with a white color.

If you notice that the stool of your bird has become light gray and even white, it is quite possible that the parrot has problems in the pancreas. It is necessary to hold the bird on a diet, you can not give her milk, nuts, seeds. In the case when the parrot has a loose white stool, it is likely that the bird has joint diseases, for example, arthritis, which arises from an unbalanced diet.

The parrot has green diarrhea

Sign of poisoning or food products, or vital activity of parasites can become a parrot green liquid stool. In this case, a sick pet should be fed a warm, well-boiled porridge of buckwheat, rice and millet. If the parrot does not want to eat, it is necessary to give him porridge forcibly from a syringe. To improve the overall condition (if the bird trembles and hohlitsya) you can heat it with a lamp of 60 watts from a distance of about 10 cm from the cage. However, in case of bloody diarrhea, heating is strictly prohibited.

Parrot - diarrhea and vomiting

Very often parrot diseases are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. A sign of the last state can be:

Vomiting along with diarrhea can be a symptom of such diseases as:

Diarrhea with blood from the parrot

If the parasite's diarrhea lasts a long time, then blood drops may appear in the litter. In addition, blood stains in parrot feces may be due to parasitic lesions. To determine if this is a blood, you need to drip on a red drop with hydrogen peroxide, if it hisses - that means blood. The stool of the bird can turn red, and often black, with various intra-abdominal bleeding and internal injuries. In this case, an urgent consultation of the ornithologist or veterinarian is needed.

The parrot has a loose stool with water

Sometimes parrots may have a loose stool with water - the so-called polyuria. In healthy birds, there is a reverse absorption of the fluid by the walls of the intestine, and in the diseased this mechanism does not work. Diarrhea in the parrot can arise from such causes:

Parrot does not eat diarrhea

The attentive owner will immediately notice any deviations in the behavior of his pet. Diarrhea in an undulating parrot is often combined with the fact that the bird refuses to eat, becomes sluggish and passive. Since these birds are small, all the processes in their body proceed quickly. Therefore, if your pet refuses to eat, it must be forcibly fed from a syringe without a needle, as weight loss can lead to the death of a bird. If the parrot's diarrhea lasts several days, it is necessary to show the bird to a specialist who will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the treatment.

The parrot has diarrhea - what to do?

Many owners of domestic birds, having found out that the petomiks were singing, are asked in panic what to do if the parrot has a loose stool. If you notice that the parrot has diarrhea, the following measures should be taken before contacting a doctor: