Preparations of iron

Iron deficiency along with a lack of calcium is the most common form of avitaminosis in women. And this is not surprising, because we lose it much more than men: Monthly, at menstruation, about 10-40 mg of iron is lost.

During pregnancy, the depot of the organism in the gland is often exhausted, because Fe will be spent on the placenta, blood supply and nutrition of the fetus, on the expansion of the uterus and loss of blood during labor.

These two factors are responsible for the increased need for women in the gland, especially during pregnancy. Today we will talk about iron preparations, and also about whether it is worth taking them without a medical prescription.

Where does iron exist?

Most of the iron inside the body is contained in the hemoglobin, slightly less in myoglobin (muscles), and everything else is the body's reserve in the gland and is in the spleen, liver and bone marrow


Absorption of iron

Regardless of the form of administration of the iron preparation, in tablets, capsules , parenterally, or simply with food, absorption in a healthy person occurs in the duodenum. However, with iron deficiency, this process can begin in the stomach, and in the rectum and large intestine, in a word, the body will consume it as much as possible, regardless of the place.

In what form do you take iron?

Modern iron preparations are produced in chewing and oral form. They can contain only forms of iron, or be combined with folic or ascorbic acid, amino acids. These drugs are usually more expensive, since such additives enhance the effect of iron absorption. Preparations of iron in liquid form are prescribed by patients with anemia after gastrointestinal diseases, as the shell of the tablets is poorly digested by their stomachs.

In the case of poor tolerance of oral medication, or poor assimilation of iron in the gastrointestinal tract, patients are assigned a parenteral intake of iron, that is, iron preparations in ampoules. There are two varieties:

Preparations with phenol can be administered only intramuscularly, and intravenous iron preparations do not contain phenol. You can not inject phenol intravenously, as there is a risk of developing phlebitis, and the most successful form of treatment for anemia in severe stages is intravenous injection of the entire dose of iron hydroxide with dextran in a single dose.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that intravenous administration is most effective in anemia, it is this method that contains the greatest number of side effects. When fever, lymph nodes increase, rashes and clear weakness, it is necessary to stop intravenous administration and switch to another way of treating anemia.

Reception of iron-containing preparations is a danger?

Preparations with iron content are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of anemia of any form, and prevention can be carried out only in connection with the risk of anemia. For example, during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, iron-containing drugs are prescribed for group B hypovitaminosis, frequent bleeding, and also during recovery after surgery. It is contraindicated to prescribe medications, since a healthy person has enough iron in a balanced diet, and an elevated dose of iron has a toxic effect.

In conclusion, we provide you with a list of iron preparations, both chewable and parenteral. The list is provided only as a guide, not a prescription for use. Remember, prescribing iron-containing preparations can cause considerable harm to health.

List of drugs

  1. Tablets "Caférid"
  2. Gemostimulin tablets
  3. Tablets "Phytoferrolactol"
  4. Hemofer tablets
  5. Tablets "Ferrum Lek"
  6. Tablets "Ferrocal"
  7. Syrup "Maltofer"
  8. Syrup "Aktiferrin"
  9. Syrup "Ferronal"
  10. Syrup "Ferrum Lek"
  11. Ampoules "Venofer"
  12. Ampoules "Totem"
  13. Ampoules "Maltofer"
  14. Ampoules "Ferrum Lek"