How to clean the mold from the walls in the apartment?

Before you get rid of mold on the walls in the apartment, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance and eliminate them, otherwise the molds will re-form very quickly. Mold on the walls appears in those rooms where high humidity prevails and there is no good ventilation.

Stages of struggle against mold

The fight against mold and fungus in the apartment begins with what is needed by determining the depth of the lesion, completely clearing the entire spoiled layer of plaster, up to the concrete or brick. Before cleaning, lavishly moisten the wall with warm water so that the spores of the fungus do not spread through the air during cleaning - water is an obstacle.

For a thorough removal of mold from the walls in the apartment, it is very convenient to use a metal brush. If there is not one, replace it with a scraper or use a large sandpaper. Then all is well washed and, using a fan heater or a dryer, we dry.

The next stage in the destruction of mold, can be the use of various chemicals. For the treatment of surfaces from both bricks and concrete, the solution "Alpa Phongifluid" fungicides is suitable, it does not contain chlorine and has no odor. The same characteristics have the product "Olympus stop-mold", it is cheaper and is suitable for rooms with high humidity. Fungicide formulations should be used to cover problem areas in 4-5 layers, allowing each to dry for 5-7 hours. Preferences should be given to solutions that are packaged in a nebulizer, then less contact with them. Well-proven drugs: "Spectrum", "Snowball impregnation", "Titanium Fungicide", they quickly and qualitatively destroy the mold and its spores.

In addition to fungicides containing boron compounds, antiseptics must be applied to the affected walls, which are included in the a special primer solution used in the fight against mold.

If there is not a large section of the wall affected by mold, you can try to use folk (improvised) funds. They, of course, are less effective, but they can cope if the process of the appearance of the fungus is not too old.

Simple household solutions, than remove the mold from the walls in the apartment, can become tools such as aqueous solutions of vinegar, borax, tea tree, soda, citric acid, copper sulfate.

The treatment of the walls should be carried out in a complex, phased manner, otherwise the fight against mold will be ineffective and useless.