Quartz sand for aquarium

The use of sand as a primer in the aquarium contributes to a more comfortable environment for its inhabitants and a good rooting of plants . In aquariums use three types of sand - river, aragonite and quartz.

Many people are wondering - is it possible to use quartz sand in an aquarium? In fact, quartz is silicon oxide, which does not react with water at all and has no effect on it. It is involved in the digestion of certain categories of fish, provides great softness of water.

The value is only the size of particles of quartz sand. Too fine sand quickly turns sour and plants grow worse in it. In the rest, quartz sand for the aquarium - the ideal and most common filler.

Colors of the bottom filler of the aquarium

What color is better to choose quartz sand for the aquarium as a soil? We all faced white, black and colored sand. Experienced aquarists say that white quartz sand for the aquarium does not create the necessary contrast with the inhabitants, because of what the fish do not stand out against its background and look somewhat amorphous.

But black quartz sand for the aquarium is a more attractive option. It does not divert attention from the fish, at the same time they with its help look brighter and more interesting.

Colored sand distracts attention to yourself, so you look at the inhabitants less, and admire the bottom of the aquarium more. Alternatively, you can mix the colors of the sand. For example, the black and white combination looks rather harmonious.

Preparation of quartz sand for use

Any soil before piling into the aquarium must be rinsed and boiled or boiled. Do not add any detergents.

Fill the finished sand in the aquarium with a slope to the front wall of the aquarium to recreate the type of natural reservoir. The thickness of the layer can vary from 3 to 8 cm.

Cleaning the soil in the aquarium

Regardless of whether you used black, white or colored sand as a soil, you need to monitor and periodically clean it. To do this, a siphon is used - a hose in which a vacuum is created, so that the mud is sucked out of the aquarium with some water.

Clean the sand on the bottom of the aquarium as it is contaminated. Do not allow debris to stagnate at the bottom, since in this case ammonia can be formed, which adversely affects the fish.