Plants for aquarium

If the pet has no hair and claws, feathers and beaks, then, most likely, his body is covered with scales, and instead of a warm blanket or a spacious cage he needs an aquarium. Fish are one of the most popular pets, they calm the nervous system, do not require daily combing out of wool, walks, do not tear the wallpaper and generally quite unpretentious. The only thing that is required for a long and good life of fish is a clean aquarium with suitable plants, fresh water and feed.

How to choose plants?

All plants for the aquarium are divided into several types:

1. Requiring planting in the soil of a plant. Among the plants of these species are found both accustomed to the constant finding under water, and those that require a semi-submerged condition. Here are more specific examples:

The growth of plants in the aquarium will depend on their ability to be in a state of complete immersion. Some species are grown in marshy soils and only when the plant reaches the right size, is planted in the ground in the aquarium.

2. Floating plants in the aquarium. For large aquariums, plants that float in the water column are suitable. These include:

3. The following types of plants float on the water surface :

When choosing plants, one should also take into account their external features: the width and density of the leaves, the length of the stem, the number of leaves. If you place floating plants in the middle layer of a small aquarium with opaque leaves, and light-loving plants on the low pedestal at the very ground, then after a certain time after planting, lovers of light can die because of its lack - because the light will delay floating plants. It is also necessary to take into account the growth rate of plants, because the neighborhood with fast-growing "brethren" can result in death for weaker plants.

Interaction of some species of plants and fish

Some very active fish can well spoil the carefully built and thoughtful plan of planting the aquarium. Cichlids, for example, are very fond of ripping along with the roots of bushes with an underdeveloped root system.

Another important point in choosing plants for an aquarium: the number of plants should be consistent with the number of fish. If the fish is too small, the plants will lack the necessary products (which they receive from fish waste), but if there are many fish, the growth of plants will be slowed down due to excessive abundance of waste.

Rules for planting plants in the aquarium

Many are wondering how to plant plants in an aquarium.

First, before planting the plant should be cleaned of caviar of snails, pollution, algae. Secondly, plants need to be disinfected. To do this, it is placed in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes and washed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Complete the "bath procedures" washing with clean water.

When planting plants in the aquarium, you should take into account their natural growth angle and the depth of the root system. Some plants require a deep "hole", for some it is enough to make an oblong fossa and arrange the roots with a fan. The main condition for planting is not to force the plant to live "not according to its rules": if the root system is straight, then the roots should not be bent.