Regeneration of the skin

After the pimple, redness remains for a long time? Age changes appeared too early? All this signals that the process of regeneration of the facial skin has significantly slowed down. But do not despair! "Wake up" the internal reserves of the body can speed up the renewal of the skin.

Causes of poor skin regeneration

Physiological skin regeneration is a natural process of replacing short-lived cells. The main building material for this are the composite elements of nutrition. If you eat badly, then the body will not have enough resources to restore the skin. In addition, the causes of poor skin regeneration are:

How to accelerate skin regeneration?

The best regeneration of the skin is promoted by B vitamins and vitamins A, C, and E. They need to be present in a large amount in the daily diet. For this, eat more:

To improve skin regeneration, you can use special creams. These include:

The active ingredient in these drugs is dexpanthenol. In skin cells, it is transformed into coenzyme-pantothenic acid, which increases the elasticity of collagen fibers and thus accelerates the process of renewal of the skin.

An effective ointment for skin regeneration is Solcoseryl. This drug stimulates proliferation, increases the synthesis of collagen and eliminates the effects of thermal and mechanical damage to the face. Actovegin is another popular remedy that accelerates epithelization and has an antihypoxic effect. By increasing blood flow, it provides skin tissues with oxygen.

Promotes rapid renewal of the skin and hardware cosmetology. You can use methods such as vacuum massage, ultrasonic iontophoresis and biorevitalization .

Folk remedies for quick skin regeneration are:

Sea-buckthorn oil is very rich in vitamins, which significantly increase regenerative functions. It establishes the metabolism of subcutaneous fat and deeply nourishes the cells. But before you can speed up the regeneration of the skin with it, check if you have allergies to it.