White spots on the fingernails of the fingers - the reason

Women carefully monitor the condition of the nails on the hands and regularly do a manicure. But even careful and proper care does not save from the appearance of leukohinia. This pathology looks like white spots on the fingernails of the fingers - the cause of such defects is not always cosmetic. Often leukohinia is provoked by infectious and somatic diseases, so this symptom can not be ignored.

The causes of the appearance of white bands on the nails of hands

Pathological changes in the nail plate, accompanied by the appearance of longitudinal or transverse strips of white, can occur against the background of improper care:

In addition, the type of leukohinia in question sometimes indicates more serious problems:

It is important not to try to diagnose yourself, especially if the stripes are observed not on one, but on several or even all the nails. It is better to visit a dermatologist, who, after carrying out the necessary tests (scraping for growth of fungi, a spectral study for trace elements), will prescribe treatment or refer to other specialists.

Why do white spots appear on the nails of the hands?

Leukohinia in the form of small punctate or large spots indicates the violation of keratinization (keratinization) of the nail plate. White color they acquire due to the formation of air layers in the nail tissue.

The main causes of white spots on the nails of the hands:

If the pathology has arisen against the background of external factors, it will disappear on its own within 1-2 weeks. Otherwise, you should look for other reasons why white stains form on the nails of the hands: