Rod corn

The corn stalk is a keratinized dense formation on the sole of the legs, which causes discomfort when walking. In the center of the callus is a rod, which causes pain.

Common causes of corneal appearance

Usually the corneal callus occurs on the heels, toes of the feet, on the outside of the toes. The size of education depends on how long treatment has not been applied. The appearance of corns on the legs is facilitated by:

Stud corn on the foot

A similar defect on the foot can form around a deep splinter, which was not removed in time, or after a cut. The skin in this place becomes rough and thick due to the intensive division of cells. The appearance of the corn callus can also provoke a dermatotropic virus. After the tests, the doctor will prescribe antiviral and antimicrobial drugs to avoid relapse.

Corn on the heel

Decrease the pressure on the heel with the corn callus by using special soft insoles. For the period of illness, give up shoes with high heels.

To prevent the appearance of corn on the heel, it is necessary:

  1. Wear clean and dry shoes.
  2. Regularly clean feet with pumice and moisturize with creams.
  3. Use only personal shoes.

Treatment of corn callus

Treatment of this education takes a long time. Having addressed to the doctor, the expert will lead treatment of a core callosity with the help of liquid nitrogen. The treated area of ​​the skin will begin the process of regeneration - the renewal of old cells to new ones.

If you visited the hospital not immediately after detecting the formation, then the removal will be performed with the help of a laser, burning out the core of the corn. Then this place is treated with ointments, so that there is no scar left.

Treatment of corn on the legs will be effective if the time has paid attention to the problem. A qualified master can also help with a medical pedicure . He will drill a special apparatus of the nucleus of education and fill the place with antiviral drugs.

Plaster of corns

An effective way to remove these formations is a special patch from the corns - Salipod. Cut off the necessary size of the adhesive tape, glue it on the upper part of the callus, fixing the usual adhesive plaster. After 3 days, the salipod must be carefully removed and cleaned with a corn stalk, first steaming the legs.

If the formation was deep, then repeat the procedure again. After applying the patch, the corn core should easily leave, leaving a shallow crater behind. This place must be treated with iodine and sealed with adhesive plaster.

Removal of corn in the home

If the root of the corn callus on the legs is not deep, then the removal can be made at home by folk remedies. At home be sure to adhere to the sterility of the procedure, so as not to infect the infection.

To begin with, it is necessary to steam out your legs well, so that the removal of the corneal callus is painless. Cauterization with concentrated vinegar is one of the methods. To avoid getting it on the healthy part of the foot, put a sticking plaster in the corn spot with the hole cut out. To achieve a positive effect, the procedure must be repeated throughout the day several times.

To remove the corn on the feet apply lotions with squeezed garlic and onions. You can easily get rid of a painful education, attaching a cotton swab with a decoction of marigold , chamomile and burdock leaves.