Second shift at school

Many of the parents face the need to teach the child in school on the second shift. This is not always the decision of the parents themselves and the desire of children, more often it is a necessity on the part of educational institutions. On how to properly build the regime of the day of the child studying on the second shift, so that he does not get very tired and has time to learn well, we will tell in this article.

Study in the second shift

Parents of schoolchildren who are studying on the second shift negatively relate to the new daily routine, as he, according to them, causes a lot of inconvenience. Also, parents complain that the children are tired, and they have to forget about the circles for this period. Specialists, meanwhile, note that in the second shift the child can successfully study, have time to rest and help around the house. All that is necessary for this to be done is to properly organize the regime of the child's day.

Day regimen for the second shift student

Among the priorities for scheduling a child studying in the second shift, we can note:

Starting the schoolchild's morning is best with charging. She will give an opportunity to wake up and cheer up. Waking up at 7:00.

After charging go hygienic procedures, cleaning the room and breakfast.

In the vicinity of 8:00 the schoolchild must start the homework. It should be borne in mind that for the preparation of lessons by children of junior classes takes about 1.5-2 hours, while high school students spend about 3 hours on homework.

From 10:00 to 11:00 children have free time, which they can spend on doing household chores or hobbies, and also use it for walking outdoors.

Lunch at the child every day should be at the same time - around 12:30. After dinner, the child goes to school.

When the second shift begins, it is determined by the school schedule, as a rule, it's 13:30. Classes at the school, depending on the schedule, go until 19:00, at the end of the child goes home.

Within an hour the students of the second shift have the opportunity to take a walk, in the primary school of this time a little more. At 20:00 the child should have supper. The next two hours he engaged in his hobbies, preparing clothes and shoes for the next day and performs hygiene procedures. At 22:00 the child goes to sleep.

During the second shift, it is not recommended to do homework after school, since the child's body is already overloaded at that time, and he can not absorb the information well.