Class decoration for the New Year

Creating a festive mood on the eve of the New Year holidays is not only a family matter, but also a social one. At school, before the winter holidays have begun, it is pleasant and joyful for children to feel the approach of the holiday, if the classes are held in a well-decorated classroom.

Classification for the New Year

It has long been noted that any joint work helps to rally any team, even if before that it was not all smooth. Children will not mind, stay after graduation, to do class decoration for the New Year. If it concerns the lower grades, then the parents of the pupils are often involved in this occupation, because some work is not yet possible for the kids.

And teachers and children are more interested in conducting a lesson in a well-designed class, especially when by the end of the fourth year there is no desire to learn. Very ordinary looks ordinary rain, hanging from the ceiling. This requires a few meters of fishing line, which you need to stretch either along the class or diagonally across. On it with the help of clips are hung stripes of rain and other ornaments.

The design of the class for the New Year in the form of brilliant balloons filled with helium will look original. They will, as it were, are glued to the ceiling and will not distract the children's attention during the lessons and cause a desire to play with them, because it's not easy to get them.

If there is enough free space in the classroom, it is possible to install a small herringbone here. To decorate it is desirable to choose shatterproof toys and not to hang an electric garland, because children can be injured by shrapnel and get an electric shock in the event of a short circuit. And according to the norms of fire safety, such decorations in the classroom are unacceptable.

Class preparation for the New Year is always conducted under the supervision of the class teacher or parents. A good option is a snowman, Santa Claus and other fairy-tale characters, made of balloons. Such a figure older schoolchildren will already be able to do on their own.

It is popular and beloved by all generations of schoolchildren and teachers to decorate windows with snowflakes or stencils. When the decoration of the class begins for the New Year, they need not be forgotten. This simple in the implementation of the case requires a lot of preparation, because the school windows have a solid size and therefore snowflakes or other figures will take a lot.

To make enough of their number to work, you need to attract the entire class, which is convenient during the lesson of labor training. The teacher shows a snowflake pattern, and the children perform everything in the established order, receiving many identical products. Stencils on glasses look very elegant, but their manufacture requires perseverance and accuracy. The subjects here can be the most diverse, but based on the time of the year it is traditionally snowman, fir-tree, deer, bells and snowflakes.

Smart appearance of the window will give an original curtain made of a lot of snowflakes. You can fasten them together using glue or a stapler. To ensure that the design does not tear and has served its allotted time, it is necessary to take the paper for making snowflakes more densely.

Decorate class for the New Year can not only with the help of the usual snowflakes . They can be supplemented with air ballerinas, which are not so easy to cut out, and therefore it is necessary to entrust this task to older schoolchildren.

Smartly on the school desks will look small neat imitations of Christmas trees of rain or tinsel, and elegant white cloaks on the backs of chairs will add an atmosphere of solemnity to the ordinary school environment. Such decorations are expedient right before the celebration with a sweet table.