Personal anxiety

Being in society, a person interacts with others, showing their qualities. In such situations, in the social sphere, he can best experience a feeling of anxiety.

Personal anxiety is an increased tendency to worry and anxious experiences for no particular reason. Its appearance may be associated with some changes in the hormonal background of the human body, as well as with the fact that a person attracts everyone's attention and is uncomfortable with it.

Situational and personal anxiety manifests itself when a person finds himself in an unpleasant situation for him (for example, for a student this can be the passing of an exam, which he was anxiously waiting for). In this situation, negative psychological conditions, anxiety accumulates in humans long before the emergence of an unpleasant situation. And the personal anxiety reaches its maximum at the moment, for example, when a student draws a ticket. Situational anxiety sometimes, depending on its scale, can develop into a neurosis.

Any anxiety adversely affects the psychological state of the individual, so it will not be superfluous to diagnose and correct personal anxiety.

Diagnosis of restless states

The level of both fears and personal anxiety is measured with the help of Kettel tests. The survey was created to assess the additional personal qualities of the interviewee. A Spielberg-Khanin test is used to determine your anxiety level in the normal state. The questions of the questionnaire should be answered without thinking too long.

The scale of reactive and personal anxiety also makes it possible to determine the degree of uncertainty, suggestibility and self-dependence of a person in making any decisions and carrying out any actions. It consists of two parts-questionnaires. With their help, the level of reactive personal anxiety in the atmosphere of a complex, unpleasant psychological situation and the level of anxiety of the individual as an individual trait of a person is determined, which at the time of passing the test does not depend on any particular situation.

Also there is another kind of scale for the definition of anxiety: the scale of personal anxiety of the Parishioners. She was It was developed on the basis of Kondash's "Scale of Socio-Situational Alarming". Its peculiarity is that the level of anxiety is determined by evaluating the very personality of everyday situations, which can cause a feeling of fear, anxiety, anxiety.

This technique makes it possible to conduct a survey not individually, but by distributing the forms to the interviewees. It is worth noting that the reasons for the emergence of personal anxiety should be sought by analyzing the course of their thoughts related to a certain fear, anxiety. Anxiety can be caused by something that once frightened you and was forced out by your consciousness into the subconscious.