Irritable bowel syndrome - treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome disorders usually occur in the large intestine, and are not life threatening, although they can discomfort without treatment.

How to treat irritable bowel syndrome?

This disease is a set of symptoms that manifest themselves over a long period of time, and an unambiguous cause of their occurrence is not established. Therefore, the approach to the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is usually complex and includes: drug treatment, diet, use of phyto- and homeopathic medicines, sometimes massages, physiotherapy.

Nutrition for irritable bowel syndrome

One of the main components of the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is diet.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude products from the diet after which discomfort occurs, as well as to avoid excessively fatty and spicy food. The remaining limitations depend on the form in which the symptoms of the disease are observed.

When diarrhea it is desirable to limit the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, coffee, alcohol, garlic, legumes, black bread, prunes, beets.

When flatulence is better to remove from the menu cabbage, legumes, carbonated drinks.

If constipation occurs in the irritable bowel syndrome, a diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, prunes, and a lot of liquid is recommended.

Preparations for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

Since this disease does not have one clearly established cause, the medical treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is aimed at neutralizing the symptoms that can cause discomfort to the patient.

Since one of the causes of the disease is considered a nervous breakdown, it is often enough that a neuropathologist or psychotherapist can prescribe sedatives or antidepressants.

To relieve pain in irritable bowel syndrome apply Duspatalin or Buskopan. With diarrhea, various absorbent drugs are used, as well as Imodium, Smektu, Loperamide (with severe diarrhea). With constipation, Dufalac works well.

Since in the irritable bowel syndrome often there is a violation of microflora, the treatment shows agents with the content of lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with herbs

  1. Tincture of leaves (or green fruits) of walnuts on alcohol, is used as a remedy for diarrhea, one tablespoon twice a day.
  2. To remove the spasm of the intestine and eliminate flatulence, prepare a decoction of peppermint. One teaspoon of dried leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist a quarter of an hour and drink. Take 1-1.5 hours after meals, twice a day.
  3. For constipation, a mixture of camomile chamomile, buckthorn bark and peppermint in equal proportions is used as a laxative. A tablespoon of the collection is poured into a glass of boiling water and held for a quarter of an hour in a water bath, after which it is cooled and filtered. Use a decoction of 50 ml twice daily before meals.
  4. Another remedy for constipation : a tablespoon of flax seeds pour ½ a glass of boiling water and stand for 15 minutes in a water bath, then cool, insist a few hours and drain. Eat 2 to 3 tablespoons of slime 4 times a day.
  5. To eliminate flatulence, it is recommended to add cinnamon and ginger to food.

And remember - in spite of the fact that the irritable bowel syndrome does not threaten life, it is still necessary to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis, since not only this syndrome, but also a number of more dangerous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be accompanied by the same characteristic symptoms.