Jellied pie with canned fish

A jellied pie with canned fish will be a real wand if it becomes necessary to quickly feed the guests or family and save time. We offer recipes for this unpretentious but very decent and delicious dish, for the preparation of which you can use both an oven and a multivark.

Jellied pie with canned fish and potatoes on kefir - recipe


For the test:

For filling:


Initially, prepare the filling for the jellied pie. We clear potatoes of potatoes, cut them in small cubes or straws and lay them on a frying pan heated with vegetable oil. There we send pre-cleaned and chopped onions onions. Season vegetables with salt, ground black pepper to taste, bring to half-cooked and cool.

Eggs broken with the addition of salt and granulated sugar to the puff and airiness, add extinguished soda vinegar, vegetable oil, pour kefir and mix. Now introduce small amounts of sifted wheat flour and mix each time to a homogeneous state without an admixture of floury lumps. Bring the dough to the consistency of thick sour cream and pour half into the pre-oiled form. To the cooled vegetables we add crushed fish canned fish, mix and distribute over the dough in the form. Pour the remaining dough, leveling it with a spatula or spoon, and place the mold in a preheated oven for 185 minutes for forty minutes or until ready.

On readiness we give the pie a little to cool down, take it out of the mold and enjoy it. If you have a mold that is not detachable, you can cut the cake straight into it for convenience and get one slice.

Jellied pie with canned fish and rice in a multivark


For the test:

For filling:


The first thing to boil until the eggs are ready and semi-prepared rice croup. Then immerse the eggs for one minute in ice water, then clean and cut into small cubes. Next, we knead canned fish with a fork, after draining the liquid, and mix them with eggs and rice. Season the filling to taste with salt and ground black pepper. It is also possible, if desired, to add finely chopped greens and green onions.

To make a filling dough, beat a little egg and salt, add mayonnaise and sour cream, soda ash vinegar and also enter into the dough. Now sprinkle the sifted wheat flour and mix until a homogeneous, without lumps, consistency of thick sour cream.

In the oiled capacity of the multivarka we spread half the prepared dough, we distribute the filling on top and evenly cover the remaining dough. Prepare our cake will be in the "Baking" mode, and the time will need about sixty minutes or a little more, depending on the model of the device.

On readiness we give the pie a little to cool down, and then we take it out of the bowl, using the device for steaming.