Work for children

Psychologists insist that the child must be taught to work. But it is not worthwhile to force him to clean it in an apartment or to help in a summer residence. It is necessary to motivate the child with his example of hard work, praise or reward, and also creating a fun atmosphere during work. If your child from childhood gets the right idea of ​​work, how to earn and spend money correctly, then be sure that he will grow up to be a responsible and successful person.

If your child does not want to take money from you for his personal expenses, then you should know that you can get a job with him only after 14 years. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, with such adolescents, a labor contract is concluded for performing light work during their free time. You can earn your work experience from 15. This applies to those young people who, according to the law on education, left school after grade 9 or study in correspondence or evening form (for example, in a college). And, finally, no restrictions exist for 16-year-olds. They can independently settle for any work and agree to any conditions.

Under Ukrainian law, employment of a teenager under 16 years is not allowed. But there may be exceptions. With the consent of parents to work can take a child from 14-15 years. He will perform only light duties and in his spare time.

How to find a real job for children?

For small boys and girls there is a great opportunity to earn money - it's participation in shooting commercials or movies. A good age to go with the baby for the first casting - 3-4 years. And it does not matter that he will not become a famous actor. Such work is useful for young children, it will form at them such qualities as discipline, sociability and diligence. If you brought up a correct attitude to work with your child, then at the age of 11-13 years old he will strive to earn money independently. Consider what kind of work for children.

Holidays are the best time for a child to earn his first money. A good variant of the "summer" work for children is the ad sticker. Any teenager will cope with such duties. But it is worth noting that the child will have to walk a lot and fulfill his duties in bad weather.

A teenager can take a kitchen washer to the kitchen . In the warm season, when many open cafes and fast food appear in the city, this is an excellent opportunity for seasonal earnings. As a rule, in such institutions a good salary, flexible schedule, free meals.

If the child does not have the communication skills, but he is not afraid of physical work, accurate and responsible, then he can go to work as a cleaner. Advise your hardworking child to maintain cleaning - it is not associated with heavy physical exertion. Also, a child of 11-13 years old will cope with the duties of a car washman.

Work for children of senior school age

If your child is responsible, knows how to communicate, well-oriented in the city, then advise him the work of the courier. He will deal with the delivery of documents or goods to the right place.

Special qualifications are not necessary to fulfill duties in the call center. An important condition for children is good computer skills and the ability to type text. And modern youth, as a rule, perfectly owns computer technology. To work in the call center still need a great diction, communication skills, the ability to competently express their thoughts and raise questions. Note that this work is suitable for disabled children with disabilities.

A good job for girls is a promoter. Her duties will include distribution of advertisements, announcements, tasting. For this work, your daughter must be sociable and have good external data. Among the youth, the profession of the waiter is popular . It is important to be able to communicate, pleasant appearance, goodwill and, of course, a good memory. In addition to your salary, your child will receive a tip. Such work perfectly develops communication skills, which is necessarily useful for future professional work.

For teenage children, the creative work of a florist assistant will be of interest . This vacancy can be taken without work experience, with the possibility of training. This post is more suitable for girls, because involves the care of flowers, the creation of bouquets. Important requirements for young people are goodwill, ability to communicate with clients.

In the article, we proposed work options for children of middle and senior school age. If your favorite child decided to make money - do not stop, but, on the contrary, support him in this. So you will help your child become an industrious and independent person.