Sexual dependence

Who will argue with the fact that love is beautiful? The trouble is that sometimes this wonderful feeling is confused with dependence - material, emotional or sexual. This condition causes serious suffering and is a disorder that you need to get rid of.

Sexual dependence on a partner

It often happens that the relationship has ceased to bring or did not initially bring any joy, but there is no power to stop them. In this case, there is a painful dependence on the partner, which is often very difficult to overcome independently. Most often, dependence , including sexual, occurs in women, men depend much less on their partner. The point here is less emotionality, less men's ability to badly need a person, which is due to an early (about 3 years) break in the emotional connection with the mother. Having such experience, and then also being brought up with the fear of growing up as "mother's son", men have some insurance against getting into such painful relationships.

Women do not have such a break, many remain emotionally close to their mother, having already formed their own family. Therefore, sexual dependence on a man arises easily, most often it occurs when from the early years a clear image of the ideal man was formed, and when such an ideal suddenly occurs in real life, one can already state the beginning of the formation of a painful attachment. It is interesting that the moment of "exact hit" can be fixed only by the subconscious, whereas in her reflections the woman clearly understands that this man has no future, but it can not break these relations.

It is also frightening that when a "looping" occurs at some object of passion, a woman loses the ability to objectively look at the situation, she is inclined to justify and forgive all the shortcomings and mistakes of the beloved, even treason. Gradually, the ability for a sober assessment is completely lost and a woman who previously noted the existing relationship as a status "for sex" begins to plan for some future, to imagine that all the failures are temporary, and then necessarily awaits great happiness. But misfortunes do not want to end, relations bring only pain, frustration and all-consuming fatigue, from which there is no strength for work, nor for themselves. It is clear that such relationships are painful, and sexual dependence on a partner requires treatment. It is bad that in the long-term state of this kind it is extremely difficult to get out of it, only a specialist can often help, who will discover all the causes leading to a deplorable situation, and will suggest ways for further movement to change it.

Treatment of sexual dependence

Painful attachment is often complicated by additional factors, which are also very difficult to identify and admit to oneself what that is. Especially often girls are afraid to break off relationships just because they consider themselves unattractive to other men. It is curious that they do not say out loud about their own uselessness, but for some reason they stop buying new clothes, make-up and beautiful hairdress are considered unnecessary, and meetings with friends generally happen once a year. Then only active activities will help, namely, to call friends and get well, go to a meeting. Let it not change everything at once, but the first step will be made.

Try to visualize your release from bored fetters. You can do this mentally, presenting some abstract figure that is responsible for your troubles, and slowly chopping off pieces of it, destroy it. Do not forget to tell all that is painful. You can sculpt a figurine and plasticine or draw it on paper, also expressing everything that you feel. After that, the figure must be broken, and the pattern should be broken.

If you understand that you can not cope on your own, go to a therapist. Because the reasons that lead to such behavior, can hide in the distant childhood. And more often a person, having appeared in uneasy conditions, simply can not look at it from a different angle, the therapist will help to do it.

One of the ways to get rid of addiction is group therapy. Therefore, do not hesitate to unite with friends in misfortune, communicate with them on the forums, it will also help to look at the situation differently.