Diet of one plate

Many people can not lose weight, not even from the fact that they eat wrong, but from the habit of consuming unnecessarily large portions of food. It was for such people and developed a system of weight loss - a diet of one plate. It is incredibly simple, accessible, does not require calorie counting and helps to balance your diet without getting deep in the wisdom of dietetics.

Plate for weight loss

It is known that the creators of the rule of the dish for weight loss were scientists from Finland who set as their goal to simplify the right food as much as possible and make it accessible to the vast majority of people. Now we can say with certainty that they succeeded.

In order to use a diet on the principle of a plate, you need to have at hand only suitable dishes. Experts recommend to focus on a classic flat plate with a diameter of 20-25 cm. If you place food on such a plate without a hump - it will be exactly as much as it should be eaten at one meal.

Plate of proper nutrition

So, a plate of healthy food is divided into several parts. To begin with, mentally divide its entire area in half - and then one of the halves into two parts. In this way. You will have a plate. It is divided into three parts - two by ¼ and one by ½ size. Each part has its own filling rules:

  1. Half of the plate (that is, the largest area of ​​our mental division) is necessarily filled with vegetables - cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, etc. This is the easiest part of the diet - a maximum of vitamins, minerals and fiber at a minimum caloric value. Vegetables can be fresh, boiled, stewed, cooked on a grill or in an oven, but not fried! It is important to make vegetables low-fat and light. This part of the plate should be filled generously, you can afford to slide.
  2. The first quarter of the plate is filled with complex carbohydrates - this category includes buckwheat, barley, brown rice, boiled potatoes, pasta from durum wheat. This part of the plate will give you a lasting sense of saturation. Experts recommend a serving of 100 g (this is about ¾ cup). This part also should not be filled with oil or any high-calorie sauces. Any cooking methods other than frying are allowed.
  3. The second quarter of the plate is intended for protein food - meat, poultry, fish, seafood, beans or other legumes (this vegetable protein). The recommended serving is about 100 - 120 g. For example, a piece of beef of this weight in size will roughly equal the standard deck of cards. Do not forget to remove fatty layers in meat or peel from birds - this is the most fatty and high-calorie part. The frying is also unacceptable, and all other methods of preparation are complete. If you are using quenching. Use the minimum possible amount of oil or grease.

The diet of one dish is quite flexible - for example, as a supplement to the protein component, you can use dairy products.

How to use the principle of a plate?

In order that the principle dish was the basis of your food, you need to consider it as a system that implies diversity. For example:

  1. Breakfast: salad from cucumber, eggs from one egg and bread (as complex carbohydrates).
  2. Lunch: vinaigrette, buckwheat and beef.
  3. Snack: a glass of yogurt, a loaf, an apple or a vegetable salad (if you want a snack).
  4. Supper: cabbage stew, boiled potatoes, chicken breast.

Thanks to this principle, you can easily get used to the principles of healthy eating and easily reduce weight to the desired level.