
Remember the movie "Shopaholic", where the girl and the credit card freezed to protect themselves from purchases, and even on courses from getting rid of shopaholism went? In the film, it all ended pretty well, it's a pity that in life, happy endings are a rare phenomenon. So how to deal with shopaholism? After all, getting rid of this disease is necessary - if it really is present, then this is no less a problem than dependence on alcohol or gambling.

The causes of shopaholism

Why simply loving shopping trips women turn into shopaholics, ready to buy everything, without paying attention to their own financial capabilities? Psychology gives Shopaholism only one explanation - lack of attention. It does not matter from the side of a partner, girlfriends or other people. The woman begins to fill the "gap" in life with shopping trips, which bring only positive emotions. But over time, an innocent passion turns into a real mania, getting rid of it is not so easy.

Symptoms of Shopaholism

And you are sure that you should be hammering the question with how to deal with shopaholism? Maybe you do not have this problem? Let's check. You threaten shopologizm, if:

How to get rid of shopaholism?

Getting rid of shopaholism, as well as from any other bad habit, will require a lot of effort and your sincere desire to part with it. Try to follow the following tips, which will help you not to buy excess and cope with shopaholism:

  1. You do not need to buy anything spontaneously, just because you liked the thing. When you are going to the store (whether it's for things or products), make a list of necessary and strictly follow it.
  2. It is not necessary, after seeing the "Sale" badge or announcement about fantastic discounts, to run headlong and buy everything. Remember that often the inscription about discounts is just a marketing move, in fact the discount can be much smaller. And even bought a very cheap thing will not be necessary, why do you need more rubbish?
  3. Do not run to buy another novelty (phone, clothes from the new collection) immediately after entering the market. It is worth waiting a little and the prices will be lower, and you will be able to understand whether you really need this purchase.
  4. Credit cards are evil. With them very quickly you get used to buying things for more than you can afford, virtual money is not perceived as real.
  5. Take only the necessary amount of cash in order not to spend more.
  6. Keep checks, write down your expenses, make a budget and see every month whether you managed to meet it.
  7. When you are going to buy another trinket, think about your relatives - maybe this money should be spent on something they need?
  8. It is impossible to cope with shopaholism alone? Go to the psychoanalyst, because the problem must be solved, by itself it will not disappear.