Prevention of blood clots

Blood clots in the vessels appear when, due to various factors, blood cells - platelets - stick together, forming clots. Stroke, heart attack, thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery - only a small part of deadly diseases that arise due to vascular thrombosis . Therefore, it is so important to have information about measures to prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels and to observe them, from an early age.

Recommendations for the prevention of blood clots

The basis of the prevention of vascular thrombosis are the basic principles. Consider them.

Healthy Eating

One of the main rules of proper nutrition for preventing thrombosis is the maximum restriction of eating foods rich in saturated fats. Such products include:

On the contrary, it is necessary to increase the intake of products containing useful, unsaturated fats:

Also, increase consumption:

Refuse is recommended from:

Sufficient physical activity

The risk of developing thrombosis significantly reduces daily exercise (running, swimming, walking, etc.) for half an hour, preferably in the open air.

Medication prophylaxis

People who are at an increased risk of blood clots, the doctor can prescribe drugs that dilute the blood (e.g., Aspirin ).

Refusal from bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse - is one of the most important preventive measures.

Prevention of thrombus formation in abnormal heat

In the heat, the risk of clogged blood vessels is particularly high. To avoid this, it is recommended:

  1. Use cooling methods (be near the air conditioner, take a cool shower, etc.).
  2. Use plenty of clean water.
  3. Eat only light, well-digested food.