Bedroom interior with photo wallpapers

Wall-papers represent a wide-format cloth with the image of the high permission. Used for decoration of walls, sometimes the ceiling. High quality, variability of styles and performance makes the material a unique design trick for playing with space.

Bedroom interior design with photo wallpapers: we select options

Modern printing equipment will make it possible to realize any idea. Photo wallpapers have several advantages in comparison with many "standard" wallpapers: they are practical, safe, high-quality, durable. Ordinary wallpaper is also durable, but it often blocks free air circulation, which will eventually affect the microclimate in your home.

City panorama, photo with world sights, abstraction, drawings with space theme - all these themes leave room for imagination. The interior of the bedroom with the photo wall of the city - a unique solution for any room, they can not be considered girlish or exclusively masculine. You can use images of famous avenues, monuments of architecture, cozy streets.

The interior of the bedroom with wallpaper, which depicts flowers - is great for bedrooms of girls. Imagine the interior of a bedroom with a picture of roses on the wallpaper, based on silk or linen. "Transfer" of a large bud on the wall visually increase the size of the room. Flowers tune to a more romantic way. Neutral tones help to relax, additional relaxation has not prevented anyone!

Some prefer to decorate the space by imitating balconies, wooden racks, frames, wings, railings or stairs. Neutral load has a photo with landscapes. If you always wanted to have a pet, but there was no such possibility, why not put it on the wall ?! Successfully fit into the design and inhabitant of the wild.

Bold go 3D wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom. Urban selection does not fit well with the classics, but for modern - that's it! Fluorescent wallpaper with a three-dimensional image will be played in a new way using the backlight.

Features of using wallpaper

The application of a special layer on the photo base ensures a high dirt and moisture resistance, so the bedroom is not the only place where the material can be placed. Kitchen - a place where this type of decoration is very common.

You can glue them yourself, as many manufacturers equip the product with glue. The complexity of use lies in the scrupulous preparation of the working surface. A large format is problematic to apply on a wall, it often consists of several panels.

Choosing fashionable pictures, colorful inscriptions, you need to take more care of the furnishings of the room, so these pictures are binding. Avoid overloaded compositions that cause shades.

Such surface finish has a rather powerful decorative load, so it is better to have it only on one wall. Sometimes for the embodiment of a certain design idea, the neighboring wall or part of the ceiling is involved. This zone is better not to be hammered with shelves or furniture.

Remember that for rooms facing the east or south side, greenish shades are appropriate. The northern and western locations do not add light. To reduce the "gloomy effect" is recommended at the expense of summer, bright, sunny tones: peach, orange, pistachio.

Make wallpapers with an orchid in the interior of the bedroom, with a space object or an unusual animal - it's up to you. You can say only one thing: you will not lose money, but for such a pleasure you will have to pay out the capital sum, especially if it is an individual order.