Aching in the abdomen

Pain in the abdomen is a common symptom, which, given the number of internal organs in a person, can signal both a minor disorder and a serious pathology. We will consider the most common causes of aching pain in the abdomen, as well as what they can indicate, depending on the place of origin.

Pain in intestinal disorders

With gastrointestinal infections and digestive disorders, pain is a fairly common symptom. Usually they are not permanent, noisy, sometimes have a cramping character. Feel or in the intestine, especially in the disorder of the stool, or in the stomach, more often after eating. Accompanying diarrhea or constipation, bloating, flatulence.

Aching in the lower abdomen

This localization of pain can indicate the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Appendicitis. The most common cause of such pain. The pain is constant, aching, concentrated in the navel, or shifts to the right iliac region, but over time can spread throughout the abdomen. Often accompanied by an increase in temperature.
  2. Menses or gynecological diseases in women. Pain aching, pulling, often spasmodic, covering the lower abdomen entirely or concentrating in the area above the pubis.
  3. Chronic cystitis and inflammation of the urinary tract. Pain is not permanent, aching, it can give to the perineum and limbs.

Aching in the upper abdomen

Such pain occurs if there are:

  1. Gastritis and inflammatory diseases of the stomach. Pain can be both acute and aching, often worse after eating, accompanied by nausea, burning sensation, belching. Concentrates in the epigastric region, can give in the sternum. In addition, with gastritis, so-called "hungry pains" often occur, usually in the morning, after waking up or during a long break between meals. Hungry pains are shrouded in nature, often pass after eating, which serves as an additional indication of the presence of gastritis.
  2. Chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). The abdominal pains are stupid, aching, strong enough, they can give back or be shrouded in nature.
  3. Inflammation of the gallbladder. The pain is localized in the right hypochondrium. It is accompanied by an eructation, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, and nausea.

In addition, aching abdominal pain can be psychogenic - be caused by stress and nervous disorders. In such cases, this is usually a non-localized, twisting pain throughout the abdominal region.