Recovery after pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs is a very complex disease that requires thorough and long-term treatment. Even after a mild form of pneumonia, recovery should last at least a month. Otherwise, the disease can recur.

Why is lung recovery required after pneumonia?

With the disease, the inflammatory process extends even to the alveoli - the smallest structures that exist in the lung tissue, yet performing a very important function - gas exchange. Pathogens of infection, "manipulating" in the lungs, secrete toxins and reduce the function of the alveoli. And the restoration of their time requires much more than to eliminate the inflammatory process.

Activities for the recovery period after pneumonia

In fact, the recovery period is almost the most important in the treatment. To make the lungs work again normally, it is recommended to carry out such activities:

  1. It is necessary to maintain a diet during recovery of the body after pneumonia. Patients should consume more caloric foods with a high protein content. And from salty, fried, overly sharp dishes is strongly recommended to refuse.
  2. Very often, against the background of antibacterial therapy for inflammation of the lungs, dysbacteriosis develops. Probiotics will help with this ailment.
  3. It is not necessary to restore after pneumonia at home without physiotherapy - such as inhalation , for example. The respiratory system of a person who has recently undergone pneumonia is favorably affected by oily, alkaline, diluting solutions.
  4. An important role in restoring after pneumonia is played by therapeutic gymnastics. You need to start with breathing exercises and gradually increase the motor activity.