10 strange ways to preserve health, the benefits of which are proven by science

Less than brushing your teeth, drinking coffee and stop using the alarm clock are the best ways to prolong your life!

Medicine does not stand still, but most diseases are easier to prevent than treat, spitting yourself with pills and lying down on the operating table. Meanwhile, there are quite unusual, but simple lifhaki, which allow to prolong one's life and improve its quality.

1. Pamper yourself with a cup of coffee before bedtime

Every person needs a minimum of 8-9 hours of deep, deep sleep to restore the body fully. Caffeine, which is a myth, like energy and the cause of insomnia, actually has a beneficial effect on the body. Scientists conducted studies during which subjects were given caffeine under the guise of sleeping pills - and they all felt rested even after resting for 3-4 hours.

2. Stop taking someone else's opinion to heart.

There is no one more dangerous for peace of mind than "sworn" friends, energy vampires and just acquaintances who know best how to live properly. The calmer the person belongs to the opinion of society, the longer he will live - this is sure not only people of science, but also people's wisdom. To live a happy and long life you need to surround yourself with those who are ready with respect and support to treat the successes and falls of a friend.

3. Throw the alarm

The fact that you need to wake up slowly, everyone knows for a long time, but rarely anyone knows the scale of harm that can be caused by the sound of an ordinary alarm clock. The sharp sound that makes you wake up interrupts sleep and puts your body in a state of extreme stress. From it may appear headaches, impaired vision and concentration, psychological disorders. It is much more useful to train yourself to go to bed early, so that morning awakening does not bring discomfort.

4. Stop counting calories

The maniacal desire to lose weight goes hand in hand with a constant calculation of calories and nervousness about the weight gained or lost. It leads to the opposite result: an overly strict diet provokes regular attacks of hunger, which are exacerbated by the evening, when it is much more difficult to control them than in the first half of the day. The best way to lose weight without bullying your own body is proper nutrition and exercise. The menu should not be dominated by fast food, but also eat one kefir and buckwheat is not worth it.

5. Discard the antibacterial soap

There is no scientific confirmation that antibacterial soap copes with microbes more efficiently than usual. But it completely exactly blurs the hydrolyside film, increasing the dryness of the skin. As an antiseptic, triclosan is added to it, a substance that adversely affects the development of embryos and changes the intestinal microflora.

6. Work standing

Sedentary work conceals a number of dangers, among which: hemorrhoids, joint problems, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, migraine and varicose veins. But the most severe consequence of it can be a stroke, provoked by a thickening of blood and a lack of oxygen. In Europe and the United States, special stand stands are called for, standing standing, preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular disorders and nutritional deficiencies.

7. There are fruits with skin

Packaged juices and desserts in the form of jelly have taught us to eat fruits without peel or in the form of puree. But it contains quercetin - a substance that protects the brain cells from damage and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Dietary fiber and fructose cleanse the body of toxins and give a sense of satiety for a long time.

8. Writing by hand

The typing on the computer is undoubtedly more convenient, but researchers at Indiana State University have proven that it reduces the person's mental activity. Training of writing at least for 20-30 minutes develops the work of the cerebellum, psychomotor coordination and improves mashing.

9. To drink red wine

A glass of red wine a day covers the need for resveratrol - the source of youth, discovered recently by French scientists. The reason for the study was the long life span of farmers working in vineyards. All of them do not deny themselves this pleasure and ... rejuvenate the body every day with new portions of resveratrol, which slows the aging of tissues.

10. Brushing your teeth an hour after eating

Cleaning the teeth immediately after eating, as well as rinsing the mouth, brings more harm than good. Food acids contained in fruits, tomatoes, carbonated drinks and dairy products, soften the enamel and it becomes sensitive to external influences. A toothbrush or a refreshing fluid with fluorine erases it, creating the ground for the development of caries.