Wilson-Konovalov's disease

Diseases that develop due to a genetic factor are considered quite rare, but the longer a person lives, the more often they arise in medical practice.

Congenital pathologies are one of the most difficult in the treatment, because in fact before the doctors it becomes a task to deceive nature and correct its mistakes.

Wilson-Konovalov's disease was described in 1912 by the English neurologist Samuel Wilson, who identified a number of symptoms of hepato-cerebral dystonia, cirrhosis of the liver and combined them under the name "progressive lenticular degeneration."

The essence of the disease lies in the fact that the body accumulates an excessive amount of copper, namely, in its most important vital organs - the brain and liver.

In a normal amount, copper is involved in the formation of nerve fibers, bones, the production of collagen and the pigment of melanin. But when the process of copper withdrawal is violated (and this is the essence of the problem of the disease), it can endanger life. Normally, copper is digested with food and is excreted by bile, in the formation of which the liver is actively involved. If the disease is not treated, then the forecast is unfavorable.

Probability of development of Wilson-Konovalov's disease

Out of 100 thousand people in total, doctors find this pathology in only three. It is transmitted autosomally recessively, which means that the probability of its development is in those people whose both parents have a mutant ATP7B gene in the 13th chromosome pair. Genetics estimated that this gene is approximately in 0.6% of the world's population. In a special group of risk children who are born in a close relationship.

Symptoms of Wilson-Konovalov's disease

The disease can manifest itself in childhood or adolescence in the form of neuropsychiatric disorders and liver failure.

Doctors distinguish three forms of the disease:

Also in the disease there are 2 stages, this is a kind of incubation period of Wilson-Konovalov's disease:

There are two types of disease:

When hepatic disorders occur, the following symptoms occur:

In the case of violations of the central nervous system, the following symptoms occur:

Among the special signs of the disease - the formation of a brown ring along the edge of the cornea of ​​the eye.

Complications of Wilson-Konovalov's disease

The consequences of Wilson-Konovalov's disease in the absence of treatment are large. There is a violation in many organs and systems:

Diagnosis of Wilson-Konovalov's disease

The following methods are used for diagnostics:

Treatment of Wilson-Konovalov's disease

Treatment involves both medication and dietary measures: