Pimple under the nose - a sign

Various signs, rites and superstitions were passed from mouth to mouth from one generation to another. Even today in the age of new technologies, we are no-no, and we'll look into the dream book when something unusual comes up, or we listen to the old grandmother who lived and knows what signs are associated with this or that phenomenon, in particular, a pimple under the nose .

Why did you get a pimple under your nose?

I must say right away that one can only believe in this sign if inflammation on the skin happens very rarely. In the presence of chronic acne, one should not wait for heaven's manna from the sky or be afraid of any trouble - it is better to seek help from an endocrinologist and a cosmetologist and start solving the problem. If the pimple under the nose is a rare phenomenon, you can also find out what this means by referring to the people's interpreters. For example, the most popular explanation for the formation of a pimple on the nose is the appearance of a new fan, but a completely different interpretation concerns the placement of the pustule under the nose.

If the pimple jumped under the nose, then the sign, associated with it, will not be the most favorable. Girls should look more attentively to their chosen one and pay attention to his behavior, since there is a great risk that he can change. But even if the guy is a one-man, in a couple's life come not the best period, marred by quarrels, puzzles and disappointment. The interpretation for young men is broader - you can expect troubles both in your personal life and at work.

Adolescents who have found inflammation in their skin on the skin can face problems in communicating with their peers. Perhaps the appearance in the circle of a person who will set up all friends and friends against you. In older people, acne on the face is a rarity, because the hormonal background has long been naughty and does not make itself felt, but if the inflammation under the nose still appeared, then nothing terrible will happen. On the contrary, your own well-being will please.