How to cook khash?

A particular dish is khash - one of the oldest dishes, very popular and now almost all the peoples of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. Has remarkable anti-hangover properties. The present hash is a liquid, hot, rich meat soup made of beef legs, sometimes with the addition of a scar. Recipes for cooking khash with the use of not only legs and a scar, but also meat from the heads are also known. In Azerbaijan and Iran, soup is prepared like lamb khash, the recipe is not fundamentally different; called a soup kaalle-pacha or kallya-pache. In some ways, khash resembles a Polish soup flask, in the preparation of which pork is sometimes used.

About some subtleties

There is an opinion that Khash does not like three things: cognac (only vodka is served under the khash), women (because they should not eat garlic in the morning) and long toasts (it's only accepted to have hash in hot form). According to some ethnographers, the preparation and use of this dish was originally ritual.

About the technology of the dish

How to cook khash? Beef legs are scorched on an open fire, carefully cleaned, scraped with a knife and washed with running cold water. Then, they are chopped along and soaked in cold water for a day. Every 2-3 hours the water needs to be changed. In Armenia, prepared legs are even placed for 10-12 hours in a clean mountain cold creek - a wonderful traditional way, is not it? Then cook on low heat for at least 6-8 hours. It is undesirable (though permissible) to pour water in the boiling process instead of boiling water, of course, in the form of boiling water. Beef scar, carefully scraped and washed, poured cold water in a separate pan and cook until the disappearance of a specific smell. It is better to change the water several times (3-4 times) after boiling and boiling for 15-20 minutes. Brew until soft. The ready boiled scar is washed and cut into thin short strips, added to the almost ready-made legs and cooked until ready with a laurel leaf, pepper-peas, cloves, parsley roots and onions. In the end, khash is salted.


Traditionally, khash is eaten in the early morning, for breakfast or before breakfast. First put the finely chopped garlic in a bowl, pour the hash and sprinkle with a large amount of crushed spicy greens (coriander, parsley, celery, tarragon, lyubovok, basil). To the Armenian soup khash usually they serve grated radish, lavash and twigs of greens separately. Sometimes pita bread is crumbed directly into the plate. In Azerbaijan and Ossetia, khash can be served without radish and even without greens. Those who do not want (or can not) use garlic in the morning can lightly flavor the hash with lemon juice.

Hash from beef

So, we present you Armenian beef from beef.


How correctly to prepare hash? We prepare the hash, as described above. Periodically, carefully remove foam and fat. Spices and onions add for 10-20 minutes until the end of the cooking process. Onions and bay leaf, of course, are thrown away. Salt is added at the very end. The scar should be cleaned very carefully and rinsed. Finished hash can be considered when the meat begins to easily separate from the bones. It will not be superfluous to pour into the soup a certain amount of previously removed fat. We serve hash very hot - in this form it is the most delicious. Radish is better to grate beforehand, and before serving, it is necessary to fill it with sunflower oil or olive oil. You can serve chopped garlic, diluted with broth. Also, good quality vodka or Chachi will go well to khash.