Signs of love, happiness and luck

There is a lot of fortune-telling and will take on finding love, happiness and escorting good luck in business. We will analyze the most common signs in everyday life, which are easy to see and adopt.

Signs of love

The signs for finding love or long-awaited family happiness , which we usually do not notice, give us the right clues to be ready. After them, you will definitely visit pleasant moments, so it is worthwhile to learn and remember them.

  1. If the people around you advise you to change something in your hair, this is a signal that soon you will meet your love, so do not neglect such advice and visit the beauty salon.
  2. You will very soon meet your loved one, if you suddenly found a long lost ring.
  3. Found long-missing earrings (or at least one of them) heralds the wedding, which ends your romance.
  4. A series of small failures that began in the morning, also draw your attention to the fact that love will soon come to your life.

Signs of happiness

  1. Expect the indispensable happiness in life, if in a dream you saw a rainbow.
  2. If you suddenly found a horseshoe, be sure to pick it up, so lost happiness will find the way to you.
  3. Do not worry about broken dishes, it also brings happiness to your home.
  4. Meeting with a cross-eyed man, promises a happy day.
  5. A sign of love and happiness is to see a flying stork.

Signs of luck

  1. Luck will accompany you if you met a man with full buckets.
  2. To meet a baby or a pregnant woman at the beginning of the day is to good luck.
  3. Do not be scared if you saw a spider on clothes, this insect will bring good luck .
  4. Luck awaits you if the right foot is stuck in the mud.
  5. Good luck on the road to you provided, if going in the way it began to rain.
  6. Diluted tea - good luck in financial matters.
  7. To settle luck in your house, go around all the rooms, holding in your hand a loaf of bread and a bowl of salt.