Arthroscopy of the shoulder joint

Arthroscopy of the shoulder joint is an effective diagnostic method that allows you to look inside the joint with minimal trauma of the shoulder, and also visually assess its condition. This surgical intervention, which violates the integrity of tissues, but it helps to take the necessary amount of material to study and determine the exact location of the pathological focus.

Indications for arthroscopy

Indications for primary arthroscopy of the shoulder joint (including the rotator cuff) are:

Repeated diagnostics can be prescribed with the appearance of absolutely new clinical signs of diseases and relapses of the disease.

How is the arthroscopy of the shoulder joint performed?

During this operation, the doctor must have free access to the joint. That's why it is conducted only under anesthesia. It can be endotracheal or general masked. What an anesthesia to choose for arthroscopy of the shoulder joint was without complications, solves only the surgeon, based on the severity of the diseases and contraindications of the patient.

Before performing the operation, the optimal position of the patient is selected, and the operating field is marked and disinfected. The surgeon makes an incision of 5 mm, introduces the arthroscope case and a plastic cannula to drain the liquid. All manipulations in the joint area can be seen on the computer monitor.

Restoration after arthroscopy

In a hospital rehabilitation after arthroscopy of the shoulder joint lasts no more than 4 days. At this time the patient is constantly doing dressing to prevent infection of the wound. A few days later, the swelling and swelling of the shoulder tissues decreases, soreness and bruises completely disappear. In the first seven days after the operation, the bandage is not allowed to be removed, since the joint is in complete rest.

During rehabilitation after arthroscopy of the shoulder joint, the patient needs to take antibiotics and pain medications. Also, all patients need to reduce physical activity, but at the same time they are shown exercise therapy. If there were no complications after arthroscopy of the shoulder joint, a full recovery will take 4-6 months.