
Many of us, at different periods of our life's journey, were overcome by insecurity. Examples of its features include the following:

Psychological causes of self-doubt are very often to be found in childhood or in adolescence. It is during these periods of life that a person is very sensitive to criticism in his direction, because he is unable to build communication barriers and takes everything at his own expense. Despite the special urgency in adolescence, the problem of self-doubt can arise in various situations throughout life.

How to overcome the fear of insecurity?

According to psychologists, women's lack of confidence often refers not to the appearance and what kind of girl she sees herself, but what others think about her.

To defeat the feeling of inferiority, the following recommendations will help you:

  1. We often exaggerate the scale of what is happening. An uncertain girl is ready to run away from the place where several men have neglected her. In such situations, the main thing is not to panic, because you are sure that everything is in order with your appearance, and in the end everyone is busy with their own affairs, so do not pay so much attention to this.
  2. Remember that we are all human beings and can fuck up everyone. If today this trouble happened to you - do not be discouraged. Come home, take a relaxing bath and do not think about what happened. The next day you will see that no one even remembers the "catastrophic" incident in your opinion.
  3. Do not hesitate to remind yourself. Getting out into the light, meet new people, tell about yourself. It would be superfluous to even tell a funny story.

With a sense of insecurity, it's best to fight with critical situations. Here works the same principle as when trying to learn how to swim at great depth, if you want - you do not want to, but you'll have to. If, for example, you are afraid to speak at a conference before dozens of spectators, then you need to look at your fears in your eyes and agree to speak.

Your inner tension can also be manifested and not verbally in the form of gestures of uncertainty, which include such things as:

You should avoid such gestures, if you want that you have the impression of a confident person.

Men's uncertainty

Men cope with confusion quite differently than women. The weak sex is inclined to share its fears and experiences with close people, while courageous and unapproachable guys close themselves and try to overcome and solve everything themselves. Uncertainty in their abilities for a man is not just a closed topic, but a taboo too, because in men it's not customary to discuss the inner problems of the soul, even with the closest friends.

Uncertainty about sex for men does not play such a big role as for ladies. The mind of the guys works like a machine, and all the reflections are aimed at solving the current problem or the result. For a sex look can be the same as for any other situation, in which only the result is important, and not the process itself. At the same time, the woman pays great attention to the process, and therefore gender contradictions arise on this basis.

The main thing here is to understand the essence of the differences between men and women and then you will be able to overcome the differences arising on the basis of the uncertainty of your partner in yourself.