How to improve vision at home?

Most people are convinced that vision impairment is a critical problem that can be solved with lenses, glasses or an expensive complex operation. To the methods that traditional medicine offers, skeptics are distrustful. But in fact, some tips on how to improve eyesight at home are worthy of attention. Moreover, they really help, without requiring any special effort or expense!

Can I improve my eyesight at home?

Practice shows that it is still possible. Not as fast as after the operation, of course, but cheaper and not at all scary. The most important thing is to be patient, because the result can be expected for several months or even years:

  1. Vision will gradually improve, if you regularly drink juice from citrus.
  2. Favorable for the condition of the eyes are blueberries and lingonberries. Every day you need to eat at least a handful of fresh or thawed berries.
  3. Good results show apricot juice. Traditional healers recommend drinking it every day for three glasses before meals.
  4. Carrots - that's how you can quickly improve your eyesight at home. This vegetable contains a lot of vitamin A and beta-carotene. But that they act more effectively, these fat-soluble substances should be mixed with olive or pumpkin oil.
  5. In the retina is a lot of zinc. Therefore, to improve vision, you can eat foods that contain this component - beet juice, Bulgarian pepper.
  6. A good, proven by years means - a decoction of crimson leaves and flowers. Drink a medicine you need a quarter of a glass 2-3 times a day.
  7. Not a bad recipe, how to improve eyesight at home with myopia - aloe with honey. For treatment it is better to use a plant that is not less than three years old. The leaves are cut finely, mixed with honey and red wine - if desired. Insist means need three days. Take - on a teaspoon three times a day.

How to improve vision at home with exercise?

This complex of exercises has repeatedly helped patients with poor eyesight:

  1. Gleam. This is the main exercise. Do it best in the daytime on the street. In extreme cases, standing by the window. Look for a poster on which a large contrasting text is printed. Step away from it to such a distance, when the inscription becomes poorly discernible, and start blinking. In doing so, each time, opening your eyes, try to read the contrast text.
  2. Palba on the targets. In addition to the first text, find a fixed object nearby, which will be located almost in front of your nose. Move your eyes from the first subject to the second and try to focus on them. The main task is to achieve a state where you can focus on these two objects, blinking once in 3-4 seconds.
  3. Recreation. This exercise helps to improve the eyesight of folk remedies at home, when the eyes get tired. Close your eyes and close your face with your hands so that no light passes through them. Open your eyes and peer into the darkness, not paying attention to the visual images that will necessarily start to arise. Repeat the exercise until you feel comfortable.
  4. Pendulum. Exercise is based on Glimmer. First, focus on the far away inscription, and then start looking at the line from left to right. Blink if you see that the focus is blurred.
  5. Eight. Select any object that you want to consider. Blink, catch a state in which your vision is as sharp as possible, and start driving your eyes along the contour of the imaginary icon of infinity, preserving the focus. The head must swing left and right during the exercise.