Cyst of the vascular plexus in a newborn

Such a rare disease, as the cyst of the vascular plexus in a newborn, is often diagnosed during pregnancy. Usually, the disease is detected during ultrasound at 14-22 weeks of pregnancy. The disease is considered quite rare, as it is found only in 3 pregnant women out of 100.


As a rule, small cysts do not exert any negative influence on the brain. Often occurs their self-destruction (resorption) by the 28th week of a normal current pregnancy. The absence of influence is explained by the fact that the development of brain cells occurs after the above-mentioned period.

This is why the cyst of the vascular plexus that has arisen in the fetus has been called "soft marker" in clinical medicine, because as a single pathology it is absolutely safe and does not affect the functioning of brain cells. However, often its appearance is considered in conjunction with the development of pathologies of other systems.

Causes of cyst formation

Unambiguous reasons for the development of the cyst of the vascular plexus, localized in the brain of the newborn, is not established. In most cases, their appearance is directly related to autoimmune disorders of various kinds, mechanical injuries of the head. Disturbance of the head blood supply can also be attributed to the main causes.

Signs of a cyst

In most cases, such a pathology as a vascular cyst of the brain , is found during the study of another disease - usually it is painless for the child. A sign of the pathology is an increase in intracranial pressure, as well as minor hearing impairments, epilepsy and impaired coordination of movements.


Detection of the disease is made during ultrasound of the brain and neurosonography, which allows to determine the exact localization of education. Such a disease, like the cyst of the vascular plexus of the cerebral ventricle, refers to benign neoplasms and does not involve radical therapy.