Signs of winter

A few decades ago, people did not have the opportunity to look at the Internet or watch the weather forecast on TV. Therefore, they predicted the events of the future, using various signs. Due to their observance, our ancestors derived certain regularities, which became the basis for various superstitions.

People's signs about the weather in winter

Being observant during the year one can learn about what to expect in the winter. For example, after looking at the bulb and determining that it is thin, you can find out that the winter will be mild, and if rough - harsh.

Signs of a cold winter:

Signs of a warm winter:

Signs of early winter:

Signs of a snowy winter:

Signs of winter

Watching the weather and various events in the winter, you can find out what lies ahead:

  1. Great cold in the winter, so this year will be a wonderful harvest and vice versa.
  2. To see that the ponds were covered with ice hills - the wheat harvest will be rich.
  3. Numerous bright stars in the sky, predict strong frosts the next day.
  4. If the New Year is warm and snow is falling, the summer will be warm and rainy.
  5. Large snowfalls at the beginning of winter, so in the early days of summer you can wait for heavy rains.
  6. If the snow falls, when the leaves from the trees have not yet fallen - wait for the harsh winter.
  7. To hear the thunder in the winter, then soon the frost will intensify.
  8. The smoke from the pipes comes out in a column - this is a harbinger of severe frosts.
  9. Strong winter blizzards - in the summer often the weather will be bad.
  10. To hear the bullfinch chirping under the window means you can soon expect a thaw.
  11. Each person himself determines to believe in signs or not. In support of superstition, we can only say that they appeared uneasy so, and after real confirmation. After all, the very word "sign" is indicated, something to notice, that is, to notice the fact.