Samoyed Laika - description of the breed

Of all known breeds of dogs, Samoyed Laika is considered one of the most ancient. And what is especially noteworthy, this breed has never been selected - modern breed representatives have a practical look the same as many years ago. The only thing that has changed is the color. Previously, the Samoyeds were not only white, as modern, but also black and white and with a sable color.

Its strange name, the breed inherited from the ancient name of the Nenets - Samoyed. They have harnessed these dogs from time to time to sledge harnesses, and also used for protection and corral reindeer herds.

Cultivation of the white color in these dogs has led to the fact that Samoyeds are now recognized with wool of cream color, white with a pale shade and, of course, snow-white. We proceeded to describe the breed of Samoyed Laika. For a more complete picture of these dogs, we give some more information. And start with the exterior.

Standards Samoyed Laika

Sami or Samoyed is a beautiful dog, a harmonious body with a slightly elongated body, a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles. The coat is thick, with a dense undercoat, during the moult period, periodic combing is necessary. The tail is magnificent, which, like all representatives of the Laika, is bent to the back, covered with thick and long hair . The head with the highly placed small, neat ears has a wedge shape. Speaking about the size of Samoyed Laika, it should be said that this is a medium-sized dog - the height at the withers of an adult male is 51-56 cm; bitches, of course, slightly smaller - their "growth" of 46-51 cm, and the weight for the representatives of both sexes varies from 23 to 30 kg.

A few words about the nature of Samoyed Laika. Sammi has a fairly independent and independent character, as, indeed, all the husky , but at the same time extremely balanced, understandable and obedient, very contact. All the Samoyeds have clearly expressed the instincts of the hunter.

Samoyed Laika in the apartment

In connection with the greater popularity of the SAMI, fans of the breed have the question, is it possible to keep Samoyeds in a city apartment? Definitely - yes, but with some rules. First of all, the dog needs a good exercise with physical exercise. The peculiarity of the breed - the sammys themselves do not have an unpleasant smell, their wool is capable of self-cleaning. But, nevertheless, in the period of intense moulting samoyeds need daily combing out. Bathe Samoyeds very rarely (on strength twice a year) and then, only in case of heavy pollution.