Slavic Rites

Many holidays, which are still celebrated by the Slavs, are part of an ancient culture that has been preserved since the time of paganism. Those Slavic rites that exist to this day, count many centuries, which is why their cultural value only increases.

Slavic customs and rituals

Slavs are a cheerful people who are very fond of various holidays. Among these you can list Pancake week, Kupala or carols. The native Slavic faith, paganism, is incredibly rich in rituals and traditions, why each pagan holiday was accompanied by unusual performances and colorful representations.

However, the rites of the Slavic peoples are not only holidays and similar events, but also special actions that are aimed at finding something by a person.

Slavic rites and rituals

There are various practices and techniques that are aimed at helping themselves and others. All ceremonies are conducted on the human field, if it is clean: there are no spells, spoiling, evil eye and the like energetic influences. If it turns out that such influences were, first you need to perform rites for purification. Even without prior preparation, many will be able to use Slavic rituals.

The people who perform the ritual celebrated themselves as a small Perunita - connecting the large, middle and index finger on the right hand, and put the hand on the body, then on the left eye, right eye, and after - on the mouth. It is important to fulfill Perunitsu correctly to establish contact and be able to conduct the rite correctly.

There is also a large Perunitsa - a hand folded in the same way, overshadows the body, the left shoulder, then the right and the navel. Reform in the 17th century banned the ritual, but it came to our time, honored by the ancestors and transmitted within the clan.