Conspiracy to have a loved one called

When the relationship is only tied up, I want to spend as much time with my lover or at least talk to him on the phone. Quite often men do not make themselves felt for a long time, which makes them worry and suffer from different thoughts. In this situation, you can use a conspiracy to get a man bored and call. It is important to treat rituals seriously and not to tell anyone about the use of magic. In addition, conspiracies are worthwhile when there are truly sincere feelings, without any evil intent.

Conspiracy to have a loved one call after the first meeting

Time after the first meeting before the first bell sometimes seems like an eternity, but with the help of magic you can shorten the waiting period. To perform the ritual, you must have an object to which the lover was concerned. If this is not, then just write on the sheet of paper his phone number. Take it in your hands and begin to represent in your thoughts the image of a man and your date, it is important to reproduce everything in small details. After that, read this conspiracy nine times:

"My dear (name), why are you silent, do not call, do not write, you do not speak to me? Phone faster and take my number! How my voice in the tube will respond, the soul will flow with joy! "

It is important not to read the text on the machine, but it is worth investing in every word. It is not superfluous to imagine how a man takes a phone and calls.

Strong conspiracy to photograph, so that the darling rang

For the ritual, you should take a fresh photo of the chosen one, which is easy to get from social networks. Also prepare a sheet of paper, on which you should write your own phone number. Put a sheet of paper on the photo so that the number is directly opposite the head of the chosen one. During the whole ritual, the image of the chosen one should be visualized in order to strengthen its effect. It is necessary to do everything as it is told above, and then, to read the plot, that the man called, and he sounds so:

"My falcon is clear, my long-awaited, my beautiful!

As it was good for us to remember, my heart, open your soul.

Remember my number quickly, appoint a date soon! "

A photo with a sheet of paper should be left in this position for the whole night. In the morning, the sheet with the telephone number should be burned, and the ashes scattered in the wind.

A strong conspiracy, that the beloved now called after the quarrel

If there is a conflict and the lover does not want to go first to reconciliation, then the ritual should be used. This rite is very powerful, so it should be used only in extreme cases. First, divide the number of digits in your own phone number into two parts. If you can not do this without a remnant, then let one part be more than one figure. Near the house where the lover lives it is necessary to collect stones with the size of a large coin. Their number should be equal to most of the number of digits. Another part of the stones should be dialed near your house. Stones should not be mixed. First they should be thoroughly washed and dried. After this, lay the stones in front of you from left to right, alternating the stone taken in your yard and in the courtyard of the chosen one. The next step is to put a phone number on the stones using the marker. It is necessary to prepare a bag made of natural fabric of black color. With the onset of dusk light a couple of candles, put the stones in a bag, repeating the plot, so that the darling rang:

"Pebbles on pebbles. The figure on the shingle.

From the numbers number. From the phone number.

From the phone, the voice. The pebbles knock.

Buttons tuk-tuk.Nomer appeared

A voice appeared. Dumas of his

About My Heart My Beloved

Take the phone! Amen"

Tie the pouch tightly with a string on the triple knot. Knotting each knot, you should repeat the plot . Keep the pouch near you as a mascot.

Conspiracy to call your beloved on the growing moon

It is best to conduct the ritual on Friday before going to bed after midnight. Take a photo of the chosen one and attach it to the phone, tie it all together with a ribbon of red color. If there is no photo, then dressing the phone, you should represent the image of your beloved man. After that over the phone, read such a plot:

"At night the red girl came out and the wind called her assistants: Oh, you, the wind, serve me right, bring my thoughts and sleep to my beloved. He will see me as a girl in a dream, my beloved will get bored, grieve. My voice is necessary to him as water and will strongly want to hear him. And you, the wind, whisper in his ear that you need to call the girl, put my image under the eyelashes and put it in your memory, but as soon as you wake up, you will not think any more, but I will be called, as bewitched and like a potion of a pillar. "