Recipe for miso soup at home

Miso bean paste has not only a multifaceted taste, but also healing abilities that help to increase immunity and fight colds, which is incredibly important given the rapid approach of colds. Recipes of miso soups at home, which are realized without a hassle and fast, we decided to devote this material.

Classic Japanese miso soup - recipe

Ingredients for classic Japanese recipes are not always available in local supermarkets, but all authenticity disappears when they are not available. Fortunately, with the development of Internet markets to get a bunch of cabbage bok choy and pasta from tamarind becomes many times easier.



Bring the water to a boil and put diced cheese into it. Allow it to boil for about 2 minutes, after lowering the fire to medium. Take some water and put miso paste in it. Pour the solution into a pot of cheese and immediately remove the container from the fire - miso paste - a product of natural fermentation, all of its useful qualities disappear when boiling. Put in the soup a large-sliced ​​bok-choi leaves, sliced ​​nori leaf, green onion and tamarind paste. Season the dish with fish sauce and leave it under the lid for 5 minutes before serving.

Miso soup with salmon - recipe



Preliminarily removing the bones from the fillet of salmon (if any), cut it into thin strips. Tofu divide into cubes, and mushrooms shiitake can be cut in any convenient way, if only they were convenient to eat. Bring the water to a boil and dilute the powder of dasha in it. Put the chopped leaves of Peking cabbage and mushrooms in a fragrant broth, allow to boil for about a minute, then put the tofu with fish and leave for a similar period of time. After a lapse of time, dilute miso paste in the broth, after removing the dishes from the fire.

Miso soup with shrimps - recipe



On warmed sesame oil, save the rings of leeks until they reach the semi-preparedness. Add ginger and shrimp to the shank, wait until the last ones grab, but they do not reach the ready, and fill it with boiling chicken broth. Add the soup with soy sauce and put egg noodles in it. After a couple of minutes, when the noodles become soft, remove the soup from the fire and dilute the miso paste in the broth.

Recipe for miso soup with mushrooms from 5 ingredients



Cut the wakame into small strips: the smaller, the better. Pour the strips of water and leave to swell while preparing the remaining ingredients. Cut the peeled mushrooms, chop the ginger and chop the green onions. Bring the broth to a boil and put all the prepared ingredients in it. Shiitake mushrooms should warm up, and water - to be saturated with ginger aroma, this will take no more than a minute, after which you can dissolve the miso paste in the soup and serve it immediately, without forgetting to sprinkle onions cooked with greens.