Character by date of birth

The nature of a person depends on many factors. Our education, environment, formed personal views on different areas of our lives. But why did it become so popular to address the date of one's birth in order to learn about the secrets of the character and about its fate? Is everything in life predetermined and we just have to spread our hands? Determining the nature of the date of birth - a very controversial issue, but certainly interesting. It's a good idea to ponder over this for a cup of fragrant tea ...

Unfortunately, birthday ...

The birth of a person is a very significant event, which is like a miracle. Human life is difficult to assess, people are accustomed to underestimate it. Each person is individual and similar to infinity - the same uncharted and evoking many questions. Therefore, under the influence of this very unexplored and mystery in our society, people like to believe in horoscopes, fortune telling, predictions and other, sorry, nonsense. Is it possible to predict the future of man, when "everything flows, everything changes," including the person himself. In such a case, a person programs himself for what he has heard, and, as a result, limits himself in actions. They told the girl that she had a crown of celibacy and everything, she fell under the misfortune of her misfortune. "Once the crown on me, so the devil with him, I'll go, eat a roll for the night ..." - thinks poor thing and in her subconscious life has already formed in a certain picture. Think over and do your life, do not entrust it to another person - an astrologer, fortune-teller or someone else.

We will try to determine the character by the date of birth in the simplest and most common way. We will determine the character of a person by the number, month and year of birth. Let's write the date of birth in full numbers. For example, a person was born on November 3, 1983, we record the date: 03.11.1983. Now add up all the digits, excluding the zeros: 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 26. Then we do the same, add up the numbers (until we get a single number): 2 + 6 = 8. The resulting number is the number of a person's birth. Now we find the corresponding description of the character by the date of birth, more precisely, by the number of births:

Time of birth and character

You can find out the character traits by the date of birth in another way. Astrologers assure that the time of birth and character are in close relationship. Therefore, it is commonly believed that people born in the time interval from 5 to 9 am are more energetic and mobile, differ optimism and purposefulness. Temperamental and very sympathetic people. Born from 10 to 14 o'clock in the afternoon people are calm, cheerful and very responsible. Good strategists and faithful spouses. People who were born on a period of time from 15 to 18 pm are very mannered and balanced. They charm with their kindness and sincerity. They are characterized by easy infantility, often very attractive externally. People born between 19 and 22 pm are characterized by aggressiveness and stiffness. People prone to cynicism and mistrust. They are very persistent in achieving goals, are selfish and prefer free relationships. Innovation and initiative is most pronounced in people born between 23:00 and 4:00. For these people, risk is a noble business. They live in emotions, they need an adrenaline rush and a passionate partner.

The character of the birthday is not limited to the listed approaches to its study. The month of birth corresponds to a certain sign of the zodiac, and this, believe me, is a separate topic for discussion.

Whatever one may say, there is still a lot of unexplored things in our life and much remains to be learned about ourselves and about life itself.